Contacts & Buddies
bryxy-  id: 4639528
Name Roman 
Nick bryxy-
Member since 08/12/09
Age / Gender 29 Years / male
Nationality  Slovakia
Territory Germany
Main team bryxy
Never do not leave anything to chance^^

Either that what you want to be, not as such wants your surroundings^^
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Apex Legends
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss 9330433  -14 Wednesday, 19/08/15 10:40
loss McKenzie  -24 Wednesday, 19/08/15 09:45
loss keev  -4 Wednesday, 19/08/15 09:28
loss (bye)  Tuesday, 18/08/15 15:55
loss KRNG  -4 Tuesday, 18/08/15 15:30 1
loss 1561092  -20 Tuesday, 18/08/15 15:17
loss nacro  -10 Tuesday, 18/08/15 14:54
loss 6313048  -21 Tuesday, 18/08/15 09:10
loss 9317611  -26 Tuesday, 18/08/15 08:17
loss uNb07  -24 Tuesday, 18/08/15 07:20 2
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