Florian 'Flash2075' Grabner  id: 634194
For a 15-year membership in the ESL
1,1866% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/03/19
For 500 won 1on1 matches in the ESL
0,0971% all players (Show)
awarded on 20/06/09
For 500 played 1on1 matches in the ESL
0,2127% all players (Show)
awarded on 04/01/09
Played gathers with over 1000 different players.
1,1593% all players (Show)
awarded on 02/08/07
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 60 days in a row Europe MSN Games Backgammon 1on1 Ladder
0,1617% all players (Show)
awarded on 26/02/09
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 120 days in a row Ger F.E.A.R. Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
0,1868% all players (Show)
awarded on 03/12/07
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 120 days in a row Ger Race Driver Grid 1on1 US Ladder
0,1868% all players (Show)
awarded on 13/11/08
For 12 months of help in BOINC
0,1340% all players (Show)
awarded on 01/04/08
BOINC Spinhenge Race January 2008 Elite Top 1000
0,0325% all players (Show)
awarded on 23/01/08
BOINC WCG Bunny Race 2008 Elite Top 10%
0,0157% all players (Show)
awarded on 27/03/08
BOINC POEM Race 2008 Elite Top 10%
0,0177% all players (Show)
awarded on 09/07/08
BOINC Technion Race 2009 Elite Top 10%
0,0082% all players (Show)
awarded on 16/04/09
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger F.E.A.R. Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
1,8332% all players (Show)
awarded on 27/10/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger C&C3: Tiberium Wars 1on1 Ladder
1,8332% all players (Show)
awarded on 05/09/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger ICQ Games Backgammon 1on1 Ladder
1,8332% all players (Show)
awarded on 16/02/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league Europe MSN Games Backgammon 1on1 Ladder
1,8332% all players (Show)
awarded on 10/08/08
VERSUS Alpha Tester
0,1942% all players (Show)
awarded on 28/11/11
ESL Wire Beta User
1,1193% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/08/09
Playercard Trust-Level-3 first to order
0,2712% all players (Show)
awarded on 08/09/06
For 5 visits to Events
0,0820% all players (Show)
awarded on 18/04/09
Progress of new awards
The following bars show when the next award will be given. The data are updated once a day.
100% For a 20-year membership in the ESL
95% For 1000 played 1on1 matches in the ESL
84% Played gathers with over 2000 different players. Information on the Gather Award
81% For an ESL Premium Account worth 4 years
80% Reaching level 5 in 5 games
68% Reaching Overall Level 100
56% For 4 years of help in BOINC
55% For 1000 won 1on1 matches in the ESL
50% For 10 visits to events
40% Reaching level 15 in 5 games
10% 10 VERSUS Matches
4% For 25 won cup matches
1% Played VERSUS with over 500 different players.