Giuseppe 'Peeveswozere' Perrone  id: 3182855
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.05.10 4098528 Detail
02.04.10 nieeJ Detail
18.03.10 3869993 Detail
07.02.10 GabryT Detail
06.02.10 3788983 Detail
02.01.10 3389749 nice XD Detail
02.01.10 4610282 Detail
30.12.09 3995272 Detail
28.12.09 4634053 Detail
25.12.09 2939362 Detail
25.12.09 PikNuke Detail
18.12.09 dip Dajee xD Detail
18.12.09 qwert Detail
18.12.09 3814019 Detail
08.12.09 nieeJ Detail
08.12.09 3688916 Detail
07.12.09 4610282 Detail
07.12.09 nideLZ Detail
05.12.09 3604257 Detail
05.12.09 1763120 Detail
06.09.09 3497071 Detail
03.08.09 4300608 gg Detail
01.08.09 3379461 Detail
24.07.09 simoz Detail
23.07.09 3644401 Detail
22.07.09 Magneton gg Detail
22.07.09 3971486 correttissimo Detail
20.07.09 3979369 Detail
18.07.09 3577270 n1 gamer :D Detail
18.07.09 2939362 Detail
18.07.09 aeQuitas fortissimo xD Detail
07.07.09 3680250 Detail
07.07.09 3411207 Detail
05.07.09 4051519 gg Detail
02.07.09 3880742 Detail
30.06.09 3267416 Detail
27.06.09 4137125 Detail
27.06.09 2924673 Detail
20.06.09 4165820 Detail
19.06.09 Ni0 Detail
18.06.09 4175691 Detail
17.06.09 3443497 Detail
17.06.09 4193826 Veramente bravo gg Detail
16.06.09 cLLii Detail
14.06.09 3267416 Detail
14.06.09 3649708 Detail
03.06.09 sp1ke Detail
27.05.09 3397826 Detail
27.05.09 4098528 Detail
27.05.09 3568719 gg Detail
27.05.09 3814019 Detail
25.05.09 4145213 Detail
25.05.09 4137125 Detail
25.05.09 4137325 Detail
23.05.09 3443499 è un mostro che uccide con la desert da 1 kilometro! Detail
23.05.09 3309074 Detail
22.05.09 shaazz Detail
22.05.09 3443497 Detail
21.05.09 Halakir Detail
21.05.09 3688916 Detail
20.05.09 2696533 Detail
20.05.09 3672154 Detail
19.05.09 3979432 Detail
19.05.09 2837591 Detail
18.05.09 3443671 Detail
11.05.09 3186343 Detail
11.05.09 dS Detail
08.05.09 3507826 Per essere un\'admin ESL dimostra poca sportività.Usa i jump di continuo e con un nabbo come me. Detail
30.04.09 3978801 Detail
18.04.09 3951389 Detail
27.03.09 3889238 Detail
26.03.09 3788983 Detail
26.03.09 3324407 Detail
24.03.09 3402057 Detail
21.03.09 3389749 gg Detail
19.03.09 3809635 Detail
19.03.09 3638967 gg Detail
18.03.09 3497071 Detail
16.03.09 3326412 Detail
15.03.09 3778424 Detail
15.03.09 3703902 Detail
15.03.09 3365550 Detail
15.03.09 3734268 Ottimo player! Detail
03.03.09 3788983 Detail
01.03.09 3365550 Detail
28.02.09 3809635 Detail
27.02.09 3326412 Detail
26.02.09 3900735 Lucertola!!!! Detail
25.02.09 3291546 Detail
25.02.09 tatankaa gg Detail
24.02.09 3445873 Detail
24.02.09 3792618 Detail
23.02.09 shaazz Detail
23.02.09 3324407 Detail
23.02.09 2774686 Detail
21.02.09 2858058 Detail
20.02.09 3797864 Detail
18.02.09 2696533 Detail
16.02.09 3788983 Detail
15.02.09 ScorpioN Detail
14.02.09 2456260 GG Guy Detail
14.02.09 2302091 :) Detail
14.02.09 3760257 Detail
13.02.09 2585562 Detail
13.02.09 Guybrush Detail
09.02.09 3326412 Detail
09.02.09 3324407 Detail
08.02.09 3801482 Detail
07.02.09 3809635 Detail
07.02.09 3797864 Detail
06.02.09 3250128 Detail
01.02.09 shaazz Detail
31.01.09 3327467 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Summer Cup '09
created from rating comment match
12.08.09 3583015 gg Detail
03.08.09 3568719 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
31.07.09 vinC gg Detail
27.07.09 3994033 Detail
26.07.09 2952640 Nice Player... Fast Skills Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault MP44
created from rating comment match
29.07.09 Raikirih gg Detail
27.07.09 Sp4rTaN Detail
27.07.09 4180363 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault M14
created from rating comment match
22.07.09 Magneton gg Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
created from rating comment match
20.07.09 4266067 Detail
20.07.09 4051147 Detail
19.07.09 3877142 Detail
19.07.09 3408741 but more camp as real gameplay Detail
18.07.09 3644401 Detail
17.07.09 3770287 exellent fair player anytime again Detail
17.07.09 Saper Detail
17.07.09 1102571 Detail
17.07.09 4283183 Detail
15.07.09 rlaxed gg Detail
14.07.09 STREAkzz gg Detail
02.02.09 k1L gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault G36C
created from rating comment match
17.07.09 Magneton gg Detail
17.07.09 3362145 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault G3
created from rating comment match
13.07.09 Magneton gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault M4
created from rating comment match
10.07.09 3362145 Detail
08.07.09 2863050 Detail
08.07.09 Achille gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault AK47
created from rating comment match
10.07.09 Guybrush Detail
06.07.09 2931586 Detail
03.07.09 2456260 Madonna che partita... Detail
PokerTH 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.07.09 2049599 gg :) Detail
17.06.09 2579673 7 di cuori Detail
16.06.09 1955903 Detail
02.06.09 Magneton gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault M16A4
created from rating comment match
30.06.09 Ridk Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.06.09 2931586 Detail
02.06.09 3501202 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
30.05.09 4059495 Detail
30.05.09 JESTERRR gg ottimo player Detail
30.05.09 3515903 mitico! Detail
10.04.09 2456260 Camperoneeeeeee! x°D Detail
31.03.09 3853825 Detail
18.03.09 3638967 gg Detail
15.03.09 3703902 Detail
02.03.09 3880742 Detail
24.02.09 1196734 Detail
23.02.09 2268965 Detail
20.02.09 PapeZoor Detail
16.02.09 3326412 Detail
16.02.09 3788983 Detail
15.02.09 3485870 Detail
15.02.09 3809635 Detail
14.02.09 3760257 Detail
14.02.09 2268965 Bravo player!!! Detail
14.02.09 3292222 Detail
11.02.09 3292259 Detail
10.02.09 3183903 Detail
09.02.09 3087234 Detail
07.02.09 3809635 Detail
07.02.09 3801482 che sculato Detail
07.02.09 3445177 Detail
06.02.09 3792618 buon player, disponibile :) Detail
06.02.09 3672154 un pò camper in killhouse Detail
05.02.09 3770527 Pro Player..thank U bro... :) Detail
04.02.09 PapeZoor Detail
01.02.09 3564890 Detail
31.01.09 2696533 Detail
31.01.09 3195207 Detail
29.01.09 2690974 gg bella Detail
28.01.09 3778424 Detail
27.01.09 3324407 asd! Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.05.09 2992218 ++ Detail
30.04.09 3734162 Detail
26.04.09 3688909 Detail
24.04.09 4067050 Detail
12.04.09 3663118 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.04.09 Predator Detail
25.04.09 3497071 Detail
12.04.09 2990349 Detail
07.04.09 3224586 Detail
05.04.09 2597237 Detail
05.04.09 3557960 Detail
Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.02.09 2791788 gg Detail
20.02.09 Baboo :) Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Desert Eagle Cup
created from rating comment match
17.02.09 2826912 gg molto bravo Detail
12.02.09 2563258 Detail
10.02.09 aNg gg Detail