lahire  id: 5120875
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.06.16 sezer03 Detail
15.06.16 9050535 Detail
13.06.16 9478630 Detail
13.06.16 DJONI Detail
13.06.16 7900456 Detail
24.10.15 Favorite Detail
24.10.15 Gaara21 Detail
18.10.15 3210768 Detail
18.10.15 4772095 Detail
17.10.15 6484991 Detail
17.10.15 533786 Detail
17.10.15 KzRR_ Detail
17.10.15 6661472 gg Detail
17.10.15 9356211 Detail
15.10.15 SF-NEOone Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Germany Cup #3
created from rating comment match
18.10.15 D4VID0 Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 Jepcar nice replays, man! Detail
12.10.14 2174178 Detail
12.10.14 8648630 Detail
12.10.14 5441639 Detail
08.10.14 2198075 all the time cry Detail
08.10.14 2949151 sehr fairer spieler :) Detail
06.10.14 5281843 Detail
06.10.14 6628092 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.06.14 daviliyO Detail
18.06.14 3142258 Detail
28.11.13 5966214 Detail
27.11.13 Brokkolicious_ Mehr Glück wie Verstand. Detail
27.11.13 PyChU Detail
27.11.13 7282093 Detail
25.11.13 7310878 Detail
25.11.13 6326172 Detail
19.11.13 7282093 Detail
12.11.13 zajaczeeek93 Detail
11.11.13 7958419 Detail
11.11.13 1979520 Detail
09.11.13 H3xOn Detail
07.11.13 mokosg Detail
07.11.13 7978241 Detail
07.11.13 7641624 Detail
07.11.13 peazyyy Detail
07.11.13 7966170 Detail
05.11.13 8020421 Detail
04.11.13 8023996 Detail
31.10.13 4534821 Detail
31.10.13 7244178 Detail
30.10.13 7068038 Detail
30.10.13 7973489 Detail
30.10.13 1764989 Detail
29.10.13 SpaXx Detail
29.10.13 7788554 Detail
29.10.13 DeDeck 3 flanken 3 tore Detail
28.10.13 7296122 Detail
28.10.13 7693931 Detail
25.10.13 7958419 Detail
25.10.13 cinkOw Detail
20.10.13 br0 Detail
20.10.13 5043338 Detail
20.10.13 7788554 Detail
20.10.13 nrgze Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created from rating comment match
29.12.13 2948382 Detail
18.11.13 5321999 Detail
07.11.13 5452298 Detail
29.10.13 5936842 gg guy Detail
Day of Defeat: Source 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.12.13 5362182 Detail
11.12.13 5362182 Detail
10.12.13 5787077 Detail
02.12.13 3748073 Detail
02.12.13 DEAD_AIM Detail
25.11.13 Topskiiii Detail
05.11.13 4943423 Rap ist trotzdem doof :P Detail
05.11.13 7879679 Detail
30.10.13 4943423 Detail
29.10.13 3997383 Detail
19.10.13 7873457 nach dem match unfreundlich Detail
16.10.13 McKenzie Detail
16.10.13 pointR' Detail
02.09.13 7879679 gg Detail
24.08.13 7879679 sry 4 afk Detail
20.08.13 6569023 Detail
18.05.13 mxy. Gut gespielt und fairer Gegner :) Detail
12.05.13 7620042 spawnnades Detail
11.05.13 3392775 Detail
11.05.13 4262263 Detail
28.04.13 4262263 Detail
22.04.13 Nightiii Detail
20.04.13 7633769 Detail
04.12.12 McKenzie Detail
01.11.12 big1 Detail
31.10.12 7121263 Detail
26.10.12 6608105 *keine probleme Detail
13.10.12 5645079 I-Net Probleme. La_hire gewinnt das Match! Detail
09.06.12 4772865 Detail
22.05.12 5302391 Detail
22.05.12 Puni 69 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
created from rating comment match
23.11.13 8045401 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
23.11.13 tr1psen33 Detail
21.11.13 6316994 Detail
18.11.13 5321999 Detail
14.11.13 858381 Detail
12.11.13 1377145 Detail
06.11.13 khris Detail
05.11.13 krayzN ++ Detail
05.11.13 3364475 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Mixed Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.11.13 AZO gg Detail
09.11.13 6863276 Detail
08.11.13 2452669 Detail
06.11.13 8031979 Detail
30.10.13 7068038 Detail
29.10.13 strmziy Detail
22.10.13 Ericxxson Sehr netter und freundlicher Spieler! Detail
21.10.13 7970353 Detail
14.10.13 5286346 Detail
03.10.13 Staylox Detail
03.10.13 4168144 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.11.13 jode Detail
09.11.13 8017338 Detail
02.07.13 5120880 Detail
11.05.13 4345573 Detail
11.05.13 Simukas Detail
28.04.13 7693940 Detail
26.04.13 7688008 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 A-Series
created from rating comment match
19.11.13 strmziy Detail
10.11.13 DeDeck Detail
09.11.13 AZO gg Detail
07.11.13 6513601 Detail
07.11.13 1453408 Detail
05.11.13 7958419 Detail
05.11.13 8013825 Detail
05.11.13 2988135 Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 HG Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.11.13 R4WR Detail
19.08.13 6550448 Einmal time out. Screen kommt Detail
19.08.13 7660779 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Autumn Cup 2013 #1
created from rating comment match
05.11.13 sunnryze Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #3 - 20/10/13
created from rating comment match
20.10.13 Snavi Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #3 - 16.10.13
created from rating comment match
16.10.13 1328068 Detail
Day of Defeat: Source 1on1 Sniper Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.09.13 7879679 Detail
04.06.12 Puni 69 Detail
04.06.12 5504878 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.08.13 rickstar Detail
19.08.13 2717059 netter gegner, kein flame, etc. danke für den hinweis wegen wire ! Detail
18.08.13 6229535 Detail
18.08.13 stax Detail
14.05.13 4637559 Detail
12.05.13 krayzN Detail
11.05.13 ÄoN' Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWPAIM
created from rating comment match
22.08.13 schmusi Detail
20.08.13 V.I.P.I.M.P. Detail
18.08.13 6229535 leaver Detail
18.08.13 7823876 Detail
18.08.13 4668784 Detail
17.08.13 1753218 Detail
17.08.13 sp1nb0t Detail
20.05.13 4637559 Detail
11.05.13 x_X gg ++ nice spieler Detail
11.05.13 ÄoN' Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.08.13 5746685 Detail
21.08.13 6260217 Detail
19.08.13 5895293 Detail
19.08.13 7598125 Detail
19.08.13 1558604 Detail
19.08.13 1139600 Detail
19.08.13 5472750 Detail
19.08.13 SENSEy- Detail
19.08.13 7823527 Detail
19.08.13 zajaczeeek93 Detail
18.08.13 Dono Detail
18.08.13 7648821 Detail
18.08.13 7574098 Detail
02.07.13 5120880 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 A-Series
created from rating comment match
20.08.13 6415353 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Mixed Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.08.13 6710248 Detail
02.07.13 5120880 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.07.13 4169300 Detail
02.07.13 5120880 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Mixed Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
26.10.12 Nicolas Detail
24.10.12 4230947 Detail
24.10.12 3448411 Detail
23.10.12 CamaRo Detail
23.10.12 HuT Detail
23.10.12 6549907 Detail
22.10.12 4849655 Detail
22.10.12 2999597 Detail
22.10.12 7100822 Detail
22.10.12 4135010 Detail
22.10.12 Eraser gg Detail
22.10.12 6549907 Detail
22.10.12 2380762 Detail
22.10.12 2615192 Detail
14.10.12 scioN gg Detail
13.10.12 4179518 Detail
13.10.12 3121204 Detail
13.10.12 3861151 Detail
13.10.12 6472921 Detail
13.10.12 3121204 Detail
13.10.12 3121204 Detail
13.10.12 2264430 gg Detail
13.10.12 5389664 Detail
13.10.12 3628209 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 A-Series
created from rating comment match
22.10.12 5372599 Detail