Ahmad 'dP__' T  id: 7833474
[ Match Ratings ]
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Crossfire Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.10.14 7882728 Detail
27.10.14 Faykow. Detail
14.10.14 7286524 Detail
14.10.14 NapalmDaDon Detail
17.09.14 Faykow. Detail
18.08.14 8325040 Detail
17.08.14 7670892 Detail
30.07.14 7022076 Detail
18.07.14 4278747 gg Detail
17.07.14 7972706 Detail
27.06.14 8254852 Detail
08.02.14 DeNis Detail
05.01.14 7020776 Detail
05.01.14 JackHook Detail
04.01.14 5359684 Detail
03.01.14 7657575 Detail
30.12.13 7890962 Detail
24.12.13 Yezo Detail
21.12.13 7523075 Detail
20.12.13 7740978 Detail
20.12.13 6488196 Detail
15.11.13 JackHook Detail
04.11.13 7657575 Detail
04.11.13 6488196 Detail
22.10.13 astoned Detail
12.10.13 JackHook Detail
09.10.13 7979180 Detail
09.10.13 7976239 Very friendly :) Detail
09.10.13 7875109 Detail
09.10.13 7964019 Detail
09.10.13 7657575 Detail
09.10.13 Kogopogo he was lagging all the time Detail
09.10.13 conclusion Detail
29.09.13 7123593 Detail
25.09.13 7657575 Detail
25.09.13 5639066 Detail
24.09.13 JackHook Detail
21.09.13 7939539 130 Ping Detail
18.09.13 7123593 Detail
16.09.13 6661457 Leaver Detail
16.09.13 7940233 Detail
16.09.13 7942725 Detail
07.09.13 JackHook Detail
06.09.13 7912102 Detail
06.09.13 7880450 Detail
06.09.13 7713065 Detail
05.09.13 7926100 Detail
04.09.13 7229360 Sehr Freundlich Detail
04.09.13 astoned Detail
03.09.13 6842960 Detail
01.09.13 sTaKaN Detail
01.09.13 7898062 Detail
31.08.13 6521546 Detail
29.08.13 JackHook Detail
24.08.13 4278747 gg Detail
21.08.13 7813192 Detail
20.08.13 7593204 Detail
19.08.13 JackHook Detail
18.08.13 7780028 Detail
18.08.13 7870180 Detail
13.08.13 7880447 Detail
12.08.13 7309212 Detail
09.08.13 savaLiciouus_ Detail
09.08.13 7853968 Detail
07.08.13 7820316 friendly Detail
07.08.13 6993937 Detail
06.08.13 6999291 He have to mutch lag to play on Europe Detail
05.08.13 7319053 Detail
02.08.13 nexthype Detail
31.07.13 7815687 Detail
30.07.13 Shadow Detail
28.07.13 7411566 Detail
27.07.13 7709519 Detail
27.07.13 7813192 Detail
24.07.13 Happy Detail
23.07.13 7803672 laaagg Detail
19.07.13 JackHook Detail
19.07.13 7846824 Detail
17.07.13 6488196 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Fixed Europe
created from rating comment match
11.11.13 5447622 Detail
11.10.13 2887138 Detail
06.10.13 3778189 Detail
04.10.13 PhysX Anonim Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.10.13 6441318 Detail
11.10.13 2887138 Detail
04.10.13 DvZ Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.09.13 7953032 Detail
27.09.13 6441318 Detail
25.09.13 7112385 Detail
24.09.13 udar.official Detail
23.09.13 MILO Detail
23.09.13 6160999 nice player Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.09.13 BqNTM Detail