created | Platform | action |
04/02/11 04:19h | first_login_default | |
04/02/11 05:05h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
04/02/11 16:47h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
05/02/11 08:21h | join_team Deleted account (5645667) | |
10/02/11 16:39h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 MR9 Knife Ladder | |
10/02/11 16:40h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Ladder | |
10/02/11 17:26h | join_league POL Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Ladder | |
10/02/11 17:27h | join_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 MR9 Knife Ladder | |
11/02/11 15:13h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AIM MR15 Ladder | |
11/02/11 15:43h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
11/02/11 15:53h | join_league POL Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AIM MR15 Ladder | |
11/02/11 17:10h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/02/11 16:00h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/02/11 16:00h | join_team OporNotFound (5612565) | |
15/02/11 12:58h | leave_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 MR9 Knife Ladder | |
15/02/11 17:46h | leave_team OporNotFound (5612565) | |
15/02/11 17:46h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
22/02/11 14:44h | join_league Europe Bloodline Champions 1on1 Opening Cup | |
22/02/11 15:36h | wanna_join_league Europe Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
22/02/11 15:36h | join_team hackSecret vol.6 (5697439) | |
22/02/11 15:45h | wanna_join_league POL Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
23/02/11 04:56h | join_league POL Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
23/02/11 13:25h | register_team Deleted account (5699486) | |
23/02/11 13:36h | register_team hackSecret vol.4 (5699537) | |
23/02/11 16:20h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
23/02/11 16:22h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
23/02/11 16:22h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
24/02/11 04:12h | join_league Europe Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
24/02/11 13:30h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
24/02/11 13:30h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
24/02/11 14:12h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
24/02/11 16:20h | team_kick Deleted account (5645667) / by Deleted account (4206324) | |
25/02/11 16:29h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
25/02/11 16:30h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
25/02/11 16:30h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
26/02/11 09:36h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
26/02/11 09:37h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
26/02/11 09:38h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
27/02/11 15:26h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
27/02/11 15:26h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
27/02/11 15:27h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
27/02/11 17:03h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
27/02/11 17:03h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
27/02/11 17:03h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
28/02/11 16:37h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
28/02/11 16:37h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
28/02/11 16:37h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
01/03/11 03:23h | first_login_esltv | |
01/03/11 13:50h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
01/03/11 13:51h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
01/03/11 13:52h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
02/03/11 05:24h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
02/03/11 05:24h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
02/03/11 07:46h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
02/03/11 07:47h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
02/03/11 14:30h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
02/03/11 14:31h | join_team Deleted account (5659230) | |
02/03/11 15:24h | leave_team Deleted account (5659230) | |
02/03/11 15:24h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
02/03/11 15:25h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
02/03/11 17:09h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
02/03/11 17:09h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
02/03/11 18:12h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
02/03/11 18:12h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
02/03/11 18:14h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
02/03/11 18:15h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
02/03/11 18:15h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
07/03/11 16:21h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
07/03/11 16:21h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
08/03/11 15:03h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
08/03/11 15:04h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
08/03/11 15:05h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
08/03/11 16:24h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
08/03/11 16:24h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
08/03/11 16:24h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
09/03/11 15:34h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
09/03/11 15:34h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
09/03/11 15:34h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
09/03/11 16:32h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
09/03/11 16:33h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
09/03/11 16:33h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/03/11 07:48h | leave_league Europe Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
14/03/11 07:48h | leave_league POL Bloodline Champions 1on1 Ladder | |
14/03/11 16:27h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
14/03/11 16:27h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/03/11 16:27h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
14/03/11 17:47h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
14/03/11 17:47h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/03/11 17:47h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
15/03/11 08:44h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
15/03/11 08:44h | join_team PARIAS (5753885) | |
15/03/11 09:57h | leave_team PARIAS (5753885) | |
15/03/11 09:58h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
15/03/11 16:21h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
15/03/11 16:21h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
15/03/11 16:21h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
16/03/11 06:48h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
16/03/11 06:48h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
16/03/11 06:48h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
16/03/11 08:24h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
16/03/11 08:24h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
16/03/11 08:25h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
16/03/11 08:29h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
16/03/11 08:29h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
16/03/11 08:53h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
16/03/11 08:53h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
16/03/11 08:54h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
16/03/11 09:05h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
16/03/11 09:05h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
16/03/11 09:05h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
17/03/11 03:57h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
17/03/11 03:58h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
17/03/11 03:58h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
17/03/11 08:35h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
17/03/11 08:35h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
17/03/11 08:35h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
17/03/11 09:21h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
17/03/11 09:22h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
17/03/11 09:22h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
18/03/11 04:52h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
18/03/11 04:52h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
18/03/11 04:52h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
18/03/11 06:00h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
18/03/11 06:02h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
18/03/11 08:03h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
18/03/11 08:03h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
18/03/11 08:04h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
18/03/11 08:27h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
18/03/11 08:27h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
18/03/11 08:28h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
19/03/11 02:13h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
19/03/11 02:13h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
19/03/11 11:33h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
19/03/11 11:33h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
19/03/11 11:34h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
20/03/11 15:17h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
20/03/11 15:17h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
20/03/11 15:18h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
21/03/11 03:36h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
21/03/11 03:40h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
21/03/11 03:48h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
21/03/11 03:49h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
21/03/11 04:42h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
21/03/11 04:43h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
21/03/11 04:43h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
21/03/11 13:21h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
21/03/11 13:21h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
21/03/11 13:22h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
21/03/11 17:00h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
21/03/11 17:03h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
21/03/11 17:03h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
21/03/11 17:18h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
21/03/11 17:19h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
21/03/11 17:19h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
22/03/11 14:51h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
22/03/11 14:52h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
22/03/11 14:52h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
22/03/11 15:38h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
22/03/11 15:38h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
22/03/11 15:38h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
22/03/11 18:23h | join_team Deleted account (4613602) | |
23/03/11 05:12h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
23/03/11 05:12h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
23/03/11 05:12h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
23/03/11 06:28h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
23/03/11 06:28h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
23/03/11 06:28h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
23/03/11 17:02h | join_team Antyterrorysci (5772424) | |
24/03/11 05:25h | join_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 Mix ladder | |
24/03/11 06:33h | join_team RaketFjuel (5707324) | |
24/03/11 07:10h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
24/03/11 07:11h | join_team FATALITY (5772207) | |
24/03/11 08:04h | leave_team FATALITY (5772207) | |
24/03/11 08:05h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
24/03/11 09:00h | join_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
25/03/11 03:54h | team_kick Deleted account (4613602) / by Deleted account (3226705) | |
25/03/11 09:04h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
25/03/11 17:19h | join_team RADA WUHACZY (3746094) | |
25/03/11 17:44h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
25/03/11 18:30h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
26/03/11 10:35h | leave_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
26/03/11 10:36h | join_team Deleted account (5781104) | |
26/03/11 10:48h | team_kick RaketFjuel (5707324) / by Deleted account (4946067) | |
26/03/11 15:00h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
26/03/11 17:55h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Premium Cup - marzec | |
26/03/11 17:55h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
26/03/11 17:55h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
26/03/11 18:12h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
26/03/11 18:13h | join_team Deleted account (5775409) | |
26/03/11 19:06h | join_league POL Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Premium Cup - marzec | |
27/03/11 06:15h | team_kick Deleted account (5775409) / by Deleted account (4045356) | |
27/03/11 06:33h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
27/03/11 07:34h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
27/03/11 07:34h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder | |
27/03/11 07:37h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
27/03/11 07:39h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
27/03/11 12:13h | join_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
27/03/11 12:40h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder | |
27/03/11 15:37h | leave_team Deleted account (5781104) | |
27/03/11 15:38h | join_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
27/03/11 16:35h | leave_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
27/03/11 16:35h | leave_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
27/03/11 16:36h | join_team Deleted account (5781104) | |
27/03/11 16:47h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 puchar_wiosenny | |
27/03/11 16:50h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AIM puchar wiosenny | |
27/03/11 16:51h | wanna_join_league POL Counter-Strike Handgun 1on1 Ladder | |
27/03/11 18:23h | join_league POL Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 puchar_wiosenny | |
27/03/11 18:23h | join_league POL Counter-Strike Handgun 1on1 Ladder | |
27/03/11 19:26h | join_league POL Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AIM puchar wiosenny | |
28/03/11 02:54h | join_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
28/03/11 02:55h | leave_team AWESOMEEE (5382908) | |
28/03/11 02:56h | join_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
28/03/11 02:59h | leave_team Gloria Victis (5382976) | |
28/03/11 03:00h | join_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
28/03/11 03:00h | leave_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
28/03/11 03:03h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
28/03/11 03:04h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
28/03/11 03:05h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
28/03/11 03:13h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
28/03/11 12:34h | join_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
28/03/11 12:34h | leave_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
28/03/11 12:35h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
28/03/11 12:35h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
28/03/11 12:36h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
28/03/11 15:54h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
28/03/11 16:38h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
28/03/11 17:40h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
28/03/11 17:40h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
29/03/11 03:06h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
29/03/11 03:06h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
29/03/11 03:11h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
29/03/11 03:12h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
29/03/11 08:50h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
29/03/11 08:55h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
29/03/11 16:12h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
29/03/11 16:12h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
29/03/11 17:03h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
29/03/11 17:03h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
30/03/11 04:02h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
30/03/11 04:02h | join_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
30/03/11 04:14h | leave_team WOMBATY (5627503) | |
30/03/11 04:15h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
30/03/11 07:00h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
30/03/11 07:01h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
30/03/11 08:04h | team_kick Deleted account (5781104) / by Deleted account (1766953) | |
30/03/11 08:53h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
30/03/11 08:54h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
30/03/11 08:54h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
30/03/11 16:06h | register_team hackSecret vol.2 (5792562) | |
31/03/11 03:12h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
31/03/11 03:14h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
31/03/11 04:02h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
31/03/11 04:31h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
31/03/11 13:43h | join_team Deleted account (5705953) | |
31/03/11 13:52h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
31/03/11 13:56h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
01/04/11 08:15h | team_kick MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) / by Deleted account (4268178) | |
01/04/11 12:49h | join_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
02/04/11 13:20h | leave_team Grupa Szybkiego Regowania (5715702) | |
02/04/11 13:22h | join_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
03/04/11 14:31h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
03/04/11 14:32h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
05/04/11 13:49h | team_kick Deleted account (5705953) / by Deleted account (3226705) | |
05/04/11 16:07h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
05/04/11 16:08h | join_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
07/04/11 07:55h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
07/04/11 07:58h | join_team STEELHAND (4975646) | |
07/04/11 12:42h | leave_team STEELHAND (4975646) | |
07/04/11 12:43h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
07/04/11 13:29h | leave_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
07/04/11 13:29h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
07/04/11 16:16h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
07/04/11 16:17h | join_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
08/04/11 10:37h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
08/04/11 10:38h | join_team team melanz (3798598) | |
08/04/11 11:52h | leave_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
08/04/11 11:53h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
08/04/11 12:43h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
08/04/11 12:43h | join_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
10/04/11 14:40h | leave_team team melanz (3798598) | |
10/04/11 14:40h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
11/04/11 07:07h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
12/04/11 06:35h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
12/04/11 06:35h | join_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
12/04/11 13:27h | leave_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
12/04/11 13:27h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
12/04/11 15:30h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
12/04/11 15:30h | join_team WYPLATA (5508228) | |
13/04/11 03:08h | leave_team WYPLATA (5508228) | |
13/04/11 03:08h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
13/04/11 05:54h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
13/04/11 05:54h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
13/04/11 14:09h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
13/04/11 14:10h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
13/04/11 16:11h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
13/04/11 16:12h | join_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
14/04/11 03:04h | leave_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
14/04/11 03:05h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
14/04/11 03:05h | leave_team Mnie To Kreci ! (4979826) | |
14/04/11 03:06h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
14/04/11 03:08h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
14/04/11 03:09h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
14/04/11 03:10h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/04/11 03:11h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
14/04/11 03:12h | join_team team melanz (3798598) | |
14/04/11 03:16h | leave_team team melanz (3798598) | |
14/04/11 03:17h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
14/04/11 06:57h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
14/04/11 06:58h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
14/04/11 09:34h | join_team BLOCKBUSTER 8) (5829414) | |
14/04/11 11:10h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
15/04/11 15:33h | leave_team BLOCKBUSTER 8) (5829414) | |
15/04/11 15:34h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
17/04/11 16:19h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
17/04/11 16:19h | join_team Deleted account (5836668) | |
17/04/11 16:47h | leave_team Deleted account (5836668) | |
17/04/11 16:53h | join_team Pikaczu (2073570) | |
18/04/11 14:51h | leave_team Pikaczu (2073570) | |
18/04/11 14:51h | join_team kingsize (5830734) | |
18/04/11 16:03h | join_team Deleted account (5764993) | |
19/04/11 03:13h | leave_team kingsize (5830734) | |
19/04/11 03:14h | join_team Pikaczu (2073570) | |
19/04/11 03:16h | leave_team Pikaczu (2073570) | |
19/04/11 03:17h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
19/04/11 03:28h | leave_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
19/04/11 03:30h | join_team team melanz (3798598) | |
19/04/11 03:31h | leave_team team melanz (3798598) | |
19/04/11 03:32h | join_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
19/04/11 03:33h | leave_team MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 (5738641) | |
19/04/11 03:34h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
19/04/11 03:34h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4918074) | |
19/04/11 03:35h | join_team kingsize (5830734) | |
19/04/11 14:33h | join_team Impure Souls (5699583) | |
19/04/11 15:56h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
19/04/11 16:38h | team_kick Impure Souls (5699583) / by Deleted account (3226705) | |
19/04/11 17:19h | leave_team kingsize (5830734) | |
19/04/11 17:19h | join_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
19/04/11 18:14h | leave_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
19/04/11 18:14h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
19/04/11 18:15h | join_team kingsize (5830734) | |
20/04/11 08:56h | join_team Impure Souls (5699583) | |
20/04/11 16:45h | leave_team kingsize (5830734) | |
20/04/11 16:45h | leave_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
20/04/11 16:46h | join_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
21/04/11 06:47h | join_team team9 3on3 (5644822) | |
21/04/11 16:15h | team_kick LAST VISITORS (5662046) / by Deleted account (3226705) | |
21/04/11 16:38h | join_team the pisiors (5812069) | |
02/05/11 17:15h | leave_team the pisiors (5812069) | |
02/05/11 17:16h | join_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
03/05/11 05:06h | leave_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
03/05/11 05:07h | join_team team9 5on5 (5636057) | |
04/05/11 14:01h | join_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
05/05/11 03:05h | leave_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
05/05/11 13:50h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
05/05/11 16:15h | leave_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
05/05/11 16:15h | join_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
05/05/11 16:58h | leave_team LAST VISITORS (5662046) | |
05/05/11 17:00h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
06/05/11 06:37h | leave_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
06/05/11 06:37h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (5173414) | |
06/05/11 14:13h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (5173414) | |
06/05/11 14:13h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
17/10/11 12:28h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/10/11 12:28h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
17/10/11 13:07h | join_team exAPOKALIPSA int. (5154712) | |
17/10/11 13:27h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
17/10/11 13:27h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/10/11 17:52h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/10/11 17:52h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
17/10/11 18:56h | leave_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
17/10/11 18:56h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
19/10/11 14:53h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
19/10/11 15:41h | leave_team Woody Woodpecker 3on3 (6219632) | |
19/10/11 16:20h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
19/10/11 16:21h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
19/10/11 17:40h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
19/10/11 17:40h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
19/10/11 20:47h | inactivity_kick POL Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AIM MR15 Ladder | |
24/10/11 16:59h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791260) | |
24/10/11 17:00h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
24/10/11 17:01h | join_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
24/10/11 19:13h | leave_team WZITY SOSITY (4259647) | |
24/10/11 19:14h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
24/10/11 19:16h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
24/10/11 19:17h | join_team TEMPTATI0N (6284754) | |
24/10/11 20:30h | inactivity_kick POL Counter-Strike Handgun 1on1 Ladder | |
25/10/11 13:29h | leave_team TEMPTATI0N (6284754) | |
25/10/11 13:33h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
25/10/11 13:35h | join_team PLAYGROUND (3566542) | |
25/10/11 14:06h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
25/10/11 14:12h | leave_team PLAYGROUND (3566542) | |
25/10/11 14:14h | join_team Woody Woodpecker 3on3 (6219632) | |
25/10/11 17:46h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
25/10/11 17:47h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
25/10/11 18:41h | leave_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
25/10/11 18:41h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
25/10/11 18:54h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
25/10/11 18:54h | join_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
26/10/11 18:56h | leave_team czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 (5060015) | |
26/10/11 18:56h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
27/10/11 10:35h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
27/10/11 10:37h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
27/10/11 18:16h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791260) | |
29/10/11 00:44h | team_kick APOKALIPSA int ;-) (5135619) / by Deleted account (5129373) | |
29/10/11 09:36h | leave_team Woody Woodpecker 3on3 (6219632) | |
29/10/11 09:36h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
01/11/11 07:55h | register_team iNETFRIENDS (6327536) | |
01/11/11 09:21h | leave_team onl!ne Instinct (5117393) | |
03/11/11 17:26h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
03/11/11 17:26h | join_team 3 three (4678613) | |
03/11/11 18:35h | leave_team 3 three (4678613) | |
03/11/11 18:35h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
04/11/11 15:28h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
04/11/11 15:28h | join_team 3 three (4678613) | |
04/11/11 19:07h | leave_team 3 three (4678613) | |
04/11/11 19:07h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
08/11/11 17:05h | join_team Deleted account (6347421) | |
11/11/11 15:52h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
11/11/11 15:53h | join_team Deleted account (6355331) | |
11/11/11 18:33h | leave_team Deleted account (6355331) | |
11/11/11 18:34h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
12/11/11 08:36h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
12/11/11 08:36h | join_team Woody Woodpecker 3on3 (6219632) | |
12/11/11 09:50h | leave_team Woody Woodpecker 3on3 (6219632) | |
12/11/11 09:50h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
12/11/11 10:51h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
12/11/11 10:51h | join_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
12/11/11 12:26h | join_team Deleted account (6357454) | |
12/11/11 12:28h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
12/11/11 14:13h | leave_team Deleted account (6357454) | |
12/11/11 14:14h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
12/11/11 14:50h | leave_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
12/11/11 14:50h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
13/11/11 11:05h | join_team iN FLAMES (6359979) | |
13/11/11 11:06h | leave_team exAPOKALIPSA int. (5154712) | |
13/11/11 13:16h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
13/11/11 13:16h | join_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
17/11/11 16:16h | leave_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
17/11/11 16:16h | join_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
17/11/11 16:44h | leave_team wychowani na skillu (5450835) | |
17/11/11 16:56h | join_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
17/11/11 17:57h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/11/11 17:57h | join_team 3 three (4678613) | |
17/11/11 19:00h | leave_team 3 three (4678613) | |
17/11/11 19:01h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/11/11 19:02h | leave_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
17/11/11 19:03h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
18/11/11 18:10h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
18/11/11 18:10h | join_team zaklad Karny 5on5 (439100) | |
18/11/11 19:43h | leave_team zaklad Karny 5on5 (439100) | |
18/11/11 19:43h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
20/11/11 09:46h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
20/11/11 09:46h | join_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
20/11/11 09:47h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
20/11/11 09:47h | join_team dA-MiGhtY (6376090) | |
20/11/11 11:20h | leave_team dA-MiGhtY (6376090) | |
20/11/11 11:20h | leave_team Deleted account (6330221) | |
20/11/11 11:20h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
20/11/11 11:21h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
23/11/11 12:51h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
23/11/11 12:53h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
23/11/11 12:53h | join_team dA-MiGhtY (6376090) | |
23/11/11 12:54h | join_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
23/11/11 13:36h | leave_team dA-MiGhtY (6376090) | |
23/11/11 13:37h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
23/11/11 16:37h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
23/11/11 16:43h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
23/11/11 18:30h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
23/11/11 19:23h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
24/11/11 15:14h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
24/11/11 15:14h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
24/11/11 18:21h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
24/11/11 18:22h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
26/11/11 18:58h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
26/11/11 18:59h | join_team FRIIFRAGIef (6021119) | |
26/11/11 21:09h | leave_team FRIIFRAGIef (6021119) | |
26/11/11 21:11h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
29/11/11 16:47h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
29/11/11 16:48h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
30/11/11 18:27h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
30/11/11 18:27h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
03/12/11 19:00h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
03/12/11 19:02h | join_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
07/12/11 18:24h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
07/12/11 18:31h | join_team Deleted account (6423902) | |
07/12/11 19:08h | leave_team Deleted account (6423902) | |
07/12/11 19:10h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
08/12/11 19:04h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
08/12/11 19:05h | join_team aimkings (6427362) | |
09/12/11 19:14h | leave_team aimkings (6427362) | |
09/12/11 19:16h | join_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
10/12/11 20:05h | leave_team iN FLAMES (5946022) | |
10/12/11 20:05h | join_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
13/12/11 18:40h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4704188) | |
13/12/11 18:40h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
13/12/11 19:40h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
13/12/11 19:40h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
17/01/12 15:32h | leave_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
17/01/12 15:36h | join_team Deleted account (6534068) | |
17/01/12 18:12h | join_team Deleted account (4407189) | |
18/01/12 17:47h | leave_team Deleted account (4407189) | |
18/01/12 17:49h | join_team TERROR (6535942) | |
19/01/12 15:33h | leave_team TERROR (6535942) | |
19/01/12 15:34h | join_team Something for your MiND (6540235) | |
19/01/12 17:21h | leave_team Something for your MiND (6540235) | |
19/01/12 17:21h | join_team TERROR (6535942) | |
19/01/12 18:49h | leave_team TERROR (6535942) | |
19/01/12 18:50h | join_team Something for your MiND (6540235) | |
20/01/12 18:29h | leave_team Something for your MiND (6540235) | |
20/01/12 18:30h | join_team TERROR (6535942) | |
20/01/12 18:30h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
22/01/12 18:22h | team_kick Deleted account (6269943) / by Deleted account (2525541) | |
30/01/12 14:29h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
30/01/12 14:30h | join_team Deleted account (6565201) | |
30/01/12 15:46h | leave_team Deleted account (6565201) | |
30/01/12 16:06h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
01/02/12 16:05h | team_kick TERROR (6535942) / by Deleted account (3998296) | |
03/02/12 16:16h | team_kick Free pkt! (5972004) / by Deleted account (3753115) | |
05/02/12 17:00h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
05/02/12 17:00h | join_team Deleted account (6556393) | |
06/02/12 16:20h | leave_team Deleted account (6556393) | |
06/02/12 16:20h | join_team iN FLAMES (4791251) | |
15/02/12 17:15h | leave_team iN FLAMES (4620213) | |
15/02/12 17:17h | join_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
15/02/12 17:31h | leave_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
15/02/12 17:35h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
15/02/12 19:44h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
15/02/12 19:45h | join_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
16/02/12 17:21h | leave_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
16/02/12 17:22h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
16/02/12 19:06h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
16/02/12 19:07h | join_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
17/02/12 17:26h | leave_team V3RY HARD SKILL (5333412) | |
17/02/12 17:27h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
20/02/12 16:08h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
20/02/12 16:08h | join_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
20/02/12 18:03h | leave_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
20/02/12 18:03h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
21/02/12 18:05h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
21/02/12 18:05h | join_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
22/02/12 17:09h | leave_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
22/02/12 17:09h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
22/02/12 18:51h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
23/02/12 16:36h | leave_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
23/02/12 16:36h | join_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
23/02/12 17:51h | leave_team Deleted account (6534068) | |
23/02/12 17:52h | join_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
23/02/12 18:36h | leave_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
23/02/12 18:37h | join_team cichy (4750930) | |
24/02/12 18:17h | leave_team cichy (4750930) | |
24/02/12 18:19h | join_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
25/02/12 19:58h | leave_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
25/02/12 19:58h | join_team srrrrrrr (6547973) | |
26/02/12 17:06h | leave_team srrrrrrr (6547973) | |
26/02/12 17:07h | join_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
26/02/12 19:14h | leave_team Deleted account (6269943) | |
26/02/12 19:16h | join_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
29/02/12 18:27h | leave_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
29/02/12 18:28h | join_team sory lukasz (6600989) | |
01/03/12 16:03h | leave_team sory lukasz (6600989) | |
01/03/12 16:04h | join_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
01/03/12 18:49h | leave_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
01/03/12 18:50h | join_team GIERARY HIRR (5144275) | |
01/03/12 19:20h | leave_team GIERARY HIRR (5144275) | |
01/03/12 19:20h | join_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
04/03/12 18:14h | leave_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
04/03/12 18:15h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
05/03/12 17:03h | leave_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
05/03/12 17:03h | join_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
07/03/12 16:23h | leave_team GRAMY KOSMOS (4618025) | |
07/03/12 16:36h | join_team dwadziescia zlotych (4073969) | |
07/03/12 17:41h | leave_team online Instinct (3136186) | |
07/03/12 17:42h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
08/03/12 04:17h | team_kick dwadziescia zlotych (4073969) / by Deleted account (1468866) | |
08/03/12 17:02h | join_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
08/03/12 17:09h | leave_team lowlvl (6652430) | |
08/03/12 17:19h | join_team dwadziescia zlotych (4073969) | |
11/03/12 16:50h | leave_team dwadziescia zlotych (4073969) | |
11/03/12 16:51h | join_team RADIOSA (6710525) | |
14/03/12 18:51h | team_kick DINOZAURY (6686342) / by Deleted account (1669523) | |
18/03/12 10:39h | leave_team RADIOSA (6710525) | |
18/03/12 10:40h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
24/03/12 17:58h | leave_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
27/03/12 11:40h | team_kick iN FLAMES (4791260) / by trinitrotoluene (2579178) | |
28/03/12 16:50h | join_team Free pkt! (5972004) | |
31/03/12 16:50h | leave_team Free pkt! (5972004) | |
09/04/12 07:58h | join_team Deleted account (4879732) | |
09/04/12 10:10h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
09/04/12 14:26h | leave_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
09/04/12 14:28h | team_kick Deleted account (4879732) / by hj (2204825) | |
10/04/12 09:11h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
17/05/12 14:06h | team_kick iN FLAMES (6359979) / by trinitrotoluene (2579178) | |
11/12/14 16:16h | join_team CZARNA SZLACHTA (8792800) | |
21/02/15 08:20h | team_kick team melanz (3798598) / by danko (1489243) | |
05/03/15 08:24h | join_team hackSecret vol.7 (8956018) | |
19/03/15 10:15h | register_team beyondGODLIKE (8986967) | |
21/03/15 08:58h | register_team BEZ REWELACJI 3on3 (8990500) | |
27/03/15 01:43h | register_team Deleted account (9000297) | |
17/05/15 18:45h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
17/05/15 18:47h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
20/05/15 14:56h | register_team hackSecret 5x5 (9121267) | |
22/05/15 09:02h | register_team hackSecret vol.5 (9123963) | |
22/05/15 09:33h | join_team Hackerso Amigaso Nemino (9124011) | |
22/05/15 12:50h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
22/05/15 21:22h | join_league ESL Play Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
25/06/15 16:22h | join_team Deleted account (9196828) | |
25/06/15 16:28h | leave_team Deleted account (9196828) | |
30/06/15 19:08h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
30/06/15 19:08h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
04/07/15 19:22h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Dota 2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
23/11/15 17:30h | join_team Recluse.go (8511471) | |
28/11/15 12:46h | team_kick Recluse.go (8511471) / by greg (1615653) | |
29/11/15 11:08h | join_team Recluse.go (8511471) | |
29/11/15 13:46h | leave_team Recluse.go (8511471) | |
30/11/15 14:56h | team_kick DINOZAURY (6686342) / by greg (1615653) | |
01/12/15 10:34h | register_team rattlatt (9610289) | |
03/12/15 11:20h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
07/12/15 10:40h | leave_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
07/12/15 10:40h | join_team (9390045) | |
14/12/15 13:58h | join_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
15/12/15 11:36h | join_team rattlatt (9677058) | |
27/12/15 08:35h | join_team TAIFUN (5252916) | |
27/12/15 12:16h | team_kick TAIFUN (5252916) / by greg (1615653) | |
27/12/15 13:08h | join_team TAIFUN (5252916) | |
02/01/16 11:25h | join_team KNC (4566130) | |
02/01/16 11:26h | leave_team TAIFUN (5252916) | |
03/01/16 17:50h | join_team TAIFUN (5252916) | |
17/01/16 16:16h | leave_team TAIFUN (5252916) | |
17/01/16 16:16h | join_team TheCheaters (6277975) | |
17/01/16 17:11h | leave_team TheCheaters (6277975) | |
14/03/16 19:36h | join_team Deleted account (9923575) | |
15/03/16 15:56h | team_kick Deleted account (9923575) / by dex (2169281) | |
18/03/16 15:27h | join_team Deleted account (9923575) | |
19/03/16 16:48h | team_kick Deleted account (9923575) / by dex (2169281) | |
20/03/16 08:24h | join_team Deleted account (9923575) | |
20/03/16 10:02h | join_team FRUSTRACJA (9980911) | |
21/03/16 16:19h | team_kick Deleted account (9923575) / by Deleted account (1623062) | |
29/03/16 18:40h | join_team rattlatt 3on3 (9926527) | |
31/03/16 07:09h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
31/03/16 16:43h | leave_team FRUSTRACJA (9980911) | |
31/03/16 17:08h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
31/03/16 19:31h | join_team selected. (10001990) | |
01/04/16 20:51h | leave_team selected. (10001990) | |
02/04/16 14:20h | join_team MISZCZE CB (10010063) | |
02/04/16 17:45h | leave_team MISZCZE CB (10010063) | |
02/04/16 19:11h | join_team MISZCZE CB (10010063) | |
04/04/16 11:57h | leave_team MISZCZE CB (10010063) | |
04/04/16 11:57h | join_team PENTO ESPORTS (10016654) | |
04/04/16 14:23h | leave_team DINOZAURY (6686342) | |
09/04/16 12:31h | join_team MISZCZE CB (10010063) | |
11/04/16 11:46h | join_team FRUSTRACJA (9980911) | |
07/05/16 09:46h | team_kick FRUSTRACJA (9980911) / by waro (1354270) | |
12/05/16 19:19h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
23/05/16 19:12h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
18/07/16 08:49h | leave_team PENTO ESPORTS (10016654) | |
18/07/16 08:49h | join_team Straight Slavic Flavour (6008089) | |
22/07/16 11:38h | leave_team KNC (4566130) | |
22/07/16 11:39h | leave_team beyondGODLIKE (8986967) | |
22/07/16 11:40h | join_team DESTROOWLS (10291068) | |
29/07/16 17:54h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
18/08/16 05:09h | team_kick iNETFRIENDS (6327536) / by waro (1354270) | |
11/09/16 18:48h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
18/12/16 07:21h | join_team (10686052) | |
22/01/17 06:12h | team_kick Straight Slavic Flavour (6008089) / by waro (1354270) | |
02/02/17 14:46h | join_team MADSMDAS (10891517) | |
19/02/17 11:09h | join_team nie wiem, stary (5944453) | |
21/02/17 15:44h | team_kick nie wiem, stary (5944453) / by Deleted account (4119900) | |
25/03/17 12:53h | join_team Indifferently (11081747) | |
30/03/17 08:45h | team_kick Indifferently (11081747) / by Deleted account (5642433) |