Iván 'wOwEr' Bestué Lalana  id: 775731
created Platform action
18/04/04 05:42h first_login 
18/04/04 05:48h join_team  Deleted account (775725)
15/09/04 17:19h team_kick  Deleted account (775725)
03/02/05 17:37h join_team  Deleted account (1093012)
16/04/05 11:27h team_kick  Deleted account (1093012)
16/04/06 04:59h register_team  wOwEr and NEtik (1782632)
17/04/06 09:20h join_team  Alin9hi (1446442)
30/04/06 16:22h join_team  Deleted account (1781276)
07/05/06 15:52h join_team  team-alive (1819794)
16/05/06 01:45h team_kick  Alin9hi (1446442)
27/05/06 05:52h team_kick  Deleted account (1781276)
24/11/06 07:54h join_team  Alin9hi (1446442)
26/09/07 17:57h team_kick  Alin9hi (1446442)
22/10/07 08:55h join_team  TheGloom (2789217)
27/12/07 09:35h join_team  Alin9hi (1446442)
05/01/08 06:56h team_kick  Alin9hi (1446442) / by Deleted account (5)
20/04/08 17:58h join_team  Alin9hi (1446442)
29/07/08 09:56h join_team  Deleted account (3380440)
21/08/08 04:15h first_login_esltv 
12/09/08 16:16h join_team  Deleted account (3501857)
12/09/08 19:23h team_kick  Alin9hi (1446442) / by Deleted account (5)
05/11/08 14:56h team_kick  Deleted account (3501857)
05/11/08 17:26h join_team  snucks (3618815)
07/11/08 13:54h join_team  pirolas (3186167)
25/11/08 17:40h first_login_eslworld 
18/12/08 14:46h join_team  una de davs (3717575)
31/12/08 12:07h join_team  guapeteS (3748517)
01/01/09 12:58h join_team  txamuskinos (3749596)
02/01/09 16:14h team_kick  una de davs (3717575) / by Deleted account (2271303)
16/01/09 07:50h join_team  ZEPHYR (3530118)
20/02/09 14:33h join_team  MacHuPiChU (3564554)
06/03/09 08:05h join_team  cebollos (3921147)
06/03/09 13:58h team_kick  pirolas (3186167) / by Deleted account (1912630)
18/03/09 17:21h team_kick  MacHuPiChU (3564554) / by Deleted account (775728)
19/03/09 15:46h join_team  esto es super liga (3892970)
20/03/09 09:18h join_team  Deleted account (3971245)
21/03/09 14:07h team_kick  Deleted account (3971245) / by Deleted account (3971166)
23/03/09 12:43h join_team  ibäjj (2553182)
25/03/09 15:35h join_team  Deleted account (3985769)
25/03/09 16:53h team_kick  Deleted account (3985769) / by Deleted account (3971166)
01/04/09 17:33h leave_team  esto es super liga (3892970)
05/04/09 13:54h join_team  ineXperts (4008344)
06/04/09 11:08h leave_team  ineXperts (4008344)
13/04/09 11:58h join_team  Deleted account (3761308)
17/04/09 19:37h join_team  Deleted account (4053090)
30/04/09 17:50h team_kick  Deleted account (4053090) / by Deleted account (3892911)
02/05/09 12:11h join_team  takeover (3718949)
03/05/09 12:08h join_team  MacHuPiChU (3564554)
04/05/09 13:48h join_team  MIX-TAPE (3594077)
07/05/09 07:11h team_kick  ibäjj (2553182) / by Deleted account (2178063)
12/05/09 18:02h join_team  Huesca (4113652)
18/05/09 14:05h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
18/05/09 14:07h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 2
12/06/09 09:53h join_team  THETITANS (4189727)
12/06/09 13:14h team_kick  MIX-TAPE (3594077) / by psycko (1398113)
19/06/09 09:57h join_team  Deleted account (4211587)
20/06/09 11:59h join_team  Team-eXplosives (3306246)
24/06/09 17:44h team_kick  Team-eXplosives (3306246) / by RaveN (2242586)
09/07/09 08:42h team_kick  Deleted account (3380440) / by Deleted account (1954398)
02/08/09 13:57h join_team  Perroflautas (4110995)
10/08/09 09:24h team_kick  takeover (3718949) / by psycko (1398113)
18/08/09 13:18h leave_team  Deleted account (3761308)
21/09/09 12:01h join_team  CRAZYBOYS (4441132)
05/10/09 15:37h join_team  shake up (4454194)
11/10/09 09:20h leave_team  Deleted account (4211587)
11/10/09 14:09h join_team  dATHITANS (4484482)
29/10/09 16:48h register_team  CrazyHeads (4530406)
01/11/09 14:27h register_team  SNEAKY LIKE SNAKE (4538367)
02/11/09 06:29h join_team  facebook (4539442)
06/11/09 18:20h leave_team  SNEAKY LIKE SNAKE (4538367)
12/11/09 08:54h join_team  SNEAKY LIKE SNAKE (4538367)
22/12/09 18:13h join_team  TROOOKYU (4674890)
28/12/09 15:08h join_team  exclusive! (4541010)
29/12/09 09:52h leave_team  exclusive! (4541010)
21/01/10 19:31h join_team  OUTSIDERS CS (4506906)
22/01/10 10:20h leave_team  OUTSIDERS CS (4506906)
28/01/10 10:21h join_team  SiznapiZ (4778275)
28/01/10 13:10h team_kick  SiznapiZ (4778275) / by Deleted account (4765978)
04/06/10 13:41h team_kick  txamuskinos (3749596) / by Deleted account (2596465)
03/09/10 06:18h join_team  PURPURINA (5291882)
20/09/10 07:31h leave_team  PURPURINA (5291882)
08/10/10 13:31h join_team  Bingo e-sports (3349040)
08/12/10 15:42h register_team  Deleted account (5498392)
08/12/10 15:45h register_team  THETITANS.EU (5498404)
24/12/10 10:08h join_team  Levitations (5514399)
03/04/11 12:53h join_team  Deleted account (5800560)
07/04/11 14:26h team_kick  Bingo e-sports (3349040) / by Deleted account (1673310)
10/11/11 17:52h join_team  Smoke Two Joints (2910625)
27/11/11 16:07h join_team  CRAZY.EAS (6366204)
23/12/11 15:54h join_team  Megan Fox . (5277860)
21/01/12 19:18h join_team  TeamnameUnbekannt (6546857)
08/03/12 13:29h register_team  Deleted account (6701333)
25/04/12 12:35h join_team  jsuog (5899245)
03/06/12 11:50h leave_team  Megan Fox . (5277860)
22/06/12 06:25h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 2
24/06/12 10:03h team_kick  jsuog (5899245) / by eviden (2168444)
07/07/12 13:20h join_team  KOM INGEN! (6974849)
13/07/12 15:53h join_team  thE wAy King (6839699)
14/07/12 12:48h join_team  Megan Fox . (5277860)
20/07/12 15:38h leave_team  Megan Fox . (5277860)
31/08/12 08:11h leave_team  thE wAy King (6839699)
16/10/12 10:20h team_kick  Deleted account (5800560) / by Deleted account (5810996)
13/11/12 14:19h register_team  CRAZYHEADS.EPS (7306085)
16/06/13 08:22h join_team  shOoOwTimEeE (5511227)
05/07/13 15:08h join_team  Narcotics (6788297)
25/10/13 15:51h leave_team  shOoOwTimEeE (5511227)
06/08/14 19:12h first_login_america 
11/11/14 15:46h join_team  impossible is nothing (8732902)
02/05/15 09:57h join_team  Que peli vais a ver? (9084227)
06/06/15 21:00h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
28/07/15 11:25h join_team  Hedgehogs ! (5573587)
23/08/15 12:52h team_kick  Hedgehogs ! (5573587) / by FuMe (5172456)
08/09/15 18:16h join_team  Hedgehogs ! (5573587)
05/01/16 09:16h team_kick  Hedgehogs ! (5573587) / by FuMe (5172456)
14/01/16 18:26h join_team  overGame.Telepizza (9751170)
15/01/16 16:59h leave_team  impossible is nothing (8732902)
15/01/16 17:01h leave_team  SNEAKY LIKE SNAKE (4538367)
13/06/16 08:59h join_team  overGame.Telepizza - CS:GO (8600994)
13/01/17 11:46h wanna_join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Sniper Cup #14 Spain
13/01/17 11:49h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Sniper Cup #14 Spain
04/05/17 19:22h join_team  Deleted account (11265928)
14/06/18 14:16h leave_team  Perroflautas (4110995)
14/06/18 14:16h join_team  GTA SAMP "khwety" (12529520)
20/07/18 17:42h leave_team  MacHuPiChU (3564554)
20/07/18 17:42h join_team  Nextlevel Zaragoza (6112152)
28/07/18 09:13h team_kick  GTA SAMP "khwety" (12529520) / by Deleted account (3976466)
04/01/19 19:17h register_team  Deleted account (13149288)
04/01/19 19:17h register_team  Deleted account (13149290)
04/01/19 19:17h register_team  Deleted account (13149291)
04/01/19 19:18h register_team  Los Discipulos de Gud0 (13149292)
22/07/19 13:12h register_team  Deleted account (13913865)
26/07/19 10:31h join_team  Retired's (13910476)
30/07/19 08:50h leave_team  Retired's (13910476)
17/02/21 07:25h join_team  Avengers (16602837)
14/04/22 13:00h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 22 (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #25 Europe
14/04/22 13:01h leave_league  ESL Play FIFA 22 (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #25 Europe