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Maciek 'AveZiomal' Ozi  id: 1136657
CPU sempron 2.4 MHz
RAM 512
Videocard jakaś tam
Soundcard też jakaś
Storage 80gb
Motherboard abit - chyba
Display spoko. 17
OS win xp prof
CD/DVD dvd lite on
Mouse mx 310
Mousepad QcK SteelPad
Keyboard tracert
Headphones tracert
Connection 256
Drink wodka and sprite o;
Food kebab ; pierogi
Movie Btterfly Effect;Unleashed;Najlepszy z Najlepszych
Music techn ; drum`n`bass ; house ; chillout ;
Song Fabric 11 Swayzak
Book O psie ktory jezdzil koleja;]
Book author Erich Maria Remarque
Person jan paweł II
Actor / Actress tom hanks / demi more
Car Mitsubishi Colt
Sport football ; pływanie ; rower
Athlete Korzeniowski
Map dust2 - nuke - he_tubes^^
Clan team olsztyn
Player wiadomo - I`m
Game Hero shrek
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Ave Ewenement^^