Hardware | |
Display | Benq |
OS | Windows |
Headphones | Logitech |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Bier |
Food | Pizza, Mc Donalds |
Movie | Pulp Fiction |
Music | Black Sabbath |
Song | Hands of Doom |
Person | mich *gg* |
Sport | Fußball, BMX, Mountainbike |
Favourite... | |
Console | Xbox One |
more than gaming ;) 1.) Die Bösen Schlümpfe (http://www.dbs-gamer.de) Call of Duty PC 2.) Enemy - Esports (http://www.enemy-esports.de)Call of Duty PC 3.) AOB-CREW (http://www.aob-crew.de) Call of Duty PC 4.) Highdefinition (http://www.team-hd.com) Call of Duty und Counterstrike Source PC 5.) Virtual Gaming (http://www.viga.at) Call of Duty Xbox360 und Xbox One 6.) DELUXEBYTE (http://www.deluxebyte-gaming.at/) Call of Duty Xbox One/PS4 |