DJ_Cas  id: 2880956
CPU Intel i7-2600k 4Ghz
RAM 8 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600 Mhz
Videocard EVGA GTX 570 SC OC (870\2000\v1.088)
Soundcard Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS
Storage 2TB WD Black Caviar+SSD OCZ Vertex 3 240Gb FW 2.22
Motherboard Asus P8Z77-V Pro BIOS 1015
Display Acer GN245HQ
OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
Antivirus Eset Nod32
CD/DVD Sony Optiarc AD-7260S FW 1.03
Mouse Logitech G9x
Mouse Skatez original
Mousepad SteelPad 9HD
Keyboard Logitech G510
Headphones Sennheiser PC350
Connection 40Mb\80Mb
TV Sony KDL-40NX720
Sound system Yamaha RX-V659+Energy C500+Audio Pro Soniq 404 sub
Handheld(s) HTC Sensation XE Beats Audio
Drink Martini
Food Pizza + lazagnya
Movie Matrix
Music Trance and Drum'n'Bass
Song Jakatta - One fine day
Book Колин Маккалоу "Поющие в терновнике"........
Book author Колин Маккалоу , Стивен Кинг........
Car Opel Astra Classic 1.6
Sport Bodybuilding + Walkinbgs 15-20km a week
Map de_dust2 from CSS and Panama Canal from BFBC2
Player sway
Game Hero Max Payne
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://battlelog.battlefi..
Website 2
Website 3
BFBC2 and BF3 nickname - DJ_Cas (mainly play BF3 right now)

BF3 profile -
BFBC2 profile -
Youtube channel -