Mattia 'fattO' Alfieri  id: 3492401
CPU AMD Athlon X2 5000+
Videocard Radeon HD 2400
Soundcard Realtek "IDUNNO"
Storage Maxtor 500gb
Motherboard Asustek NARRA2
OS Vista /Debian
Mouse Razer Copperhead
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Speed Standard
Keyboard hp
Headphones Speedlink i dunno soz
Connection Fastweb
Joypad my penis
Sound system orecchie
Handheld(s) (che è ? una bestemmia?)
Drink Sex on the beach // Gin Lemon
Food Patatine fritte/ Pizza/Kebab/Pyta
Movie Trainspotting
Music NOFX
Song The separation of church and skate
Book Lo Spazio delle varianti
Book author Irvine Welsh
Person Fabio Guerrisi
Actor / Actress Ewan Mc Gregor
Car Nun ce lho ancora ç_ç
Sport Calcetto
Map De_Inferno / De_Nuke
Clan TEC Gaming
Player Purity
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) ma che sta a dì ao?
Console Xbox
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://fatmatt.wordpress...
Website 2 http://mattialfieri.blogs..
There's no place like Via Gorizia 15