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  Germany DoD:S   id:  1571109
Name Germany DoD:S
Shorthandle GER
Registered since 20/12/05
IRC #dod.ger  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Germany
Headquarters  Germany
Honorary member (7)
IRC #dod.ger  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Day of Defeat: Source Country Championship 2011 Playoffs
loss   France  0 Tuesday, 10/05/11 15:00 6
wins   United Kingdom  + 2 Wednesday, 20/04/11 15:00 0
wins   Team Russia DoD:S  + 2 Wednesday, 13/04/11 15:00 8
loss   Team Sweden AB  0 Wednesday, 06/04/11 15:00 9
  Day of Defeat: Source Country Championship 2011 Groupstage
loss   United Kingdom  0 Monday, 21/03/11 16:00 6
wins   Team Poland.dods  + 3 Wednesday, 09/03/11 14:00 0
wins   France  + 3 Monday, 28/02/11 15:00 6
wins   Team Russia DoD:S  + 3 Wednesday, 23/02/11 14:30 9
wins   Czech Republic  + 3 Monday, 14/02/11 15:15 5
  Day of Defeat: Source Country Championship 2010 Groupstage
wins   Portugal  + 3 Thursday, 11/03/10 15:00 20
» Web:
» Channel: #dod.ger @ Quakenet

ClanBase NationsCup 2006 #2
ClanBase NationsCup 2007 #3
ESL Country Championship 2008 #3
ESL Country Championship 2010 #4
ESL Country Championship 2011 #4

Former Players: kuli, Mad_One, malte, Rake|sIn, wosten, shu, pb, oil0r, sLd``, morgi, mink, Koblat, jAN, exonity, crassus, biG, kalloe, Steiner, pRooF, esco`, seiken, zwergii, t4Nk-, spawniii, Steiner, karat, pRooF, nookie, moz, foorcr, dastiii, DaKe

23.01.06 Anzio 7:2 vs. Italy
30.01.06 Argentan 0:2 vs. Sweden
13.02.06 Flash 2:1 vs. Denmark
27.02.06 Salerno 5:0 vs. Netherlands
06.03.06 Anzio, Salerno 10:3 vs. France
16.03.06 Anzio, Argentan 9:5 vs. United Kingdom
30.06.06 Donner, Argentan 0:14 vs. Finland
27.11.06 Salerno 1:2 vs. France
14.12.06 Argentan 4:0 vs. Belgium
14.12.06 Donner 3:0 vs. Poland
20.12.06 Coire 5:0 vs. Italy
19.01.07 Anzio 10:3 vs. Sweden
05.02.07 Coire, Anzio 3:11 vs. Sweden
10.12.08 Vallente, Anzio 30:0 vs. Italy
29.12.08 Anzio, Harrington 9:7 vs. Finland
27.01.09 Anzio, Salerno 15:2 vs. Denmark
25.02.09 Anzio, Harrington 4:6 vs. France
26.03.09 Anzio, Salerno 4:8 vs. United Kingdom
24.02.10 Harrington 11:0 vs. Austria
02.03.10 Anzio, 14:0 vs. Brazil
07.03.10 Salerno 1:4 vs. Finland
11.03.10 Lennon 9:3 vs. Portugal
25.03.10 Lennon, Coire 2:0 vs. Russia
30.03:10 Anzio, Lennon, Harrington 1:2 vs. France
11.04.10 Coire, Anzio 2:0 vs. Spain
27.04.10 Anzio, Harrington 0:2 vs. Finland
14.02.11 Catania, Argentan 18:1 vs. Czech Republic
23.02.11 Santos, Harrington 13:1 vs. Russia
28.02.11 Anzio, Coire 7:4 vs. France
21.03.11 Lennon, Diversion 3:9 vs. United Kingdom
06.04.11 Anzio, Lennon, Harrington 1:2 vs. Sweden
10.05.11 Lennon, Harrington 0:2 vs. France

NGI NationsCup 2002 #1
ClanBase NationsCup 2003 #3
ClanBase NationsCup 2004 #3
ClanBase NationsCup 2004 #1
ClanBase NationsCup 2005 #9
ESL European Championship 2005 #9
ESL DoD Nations 2008 #2

Former Players: AnOnYm, Apu, b0rn, bommel, cheesie, christian, drx``, Flame-, gaxar, H4cki, knaXx, olsen, razorblade, sNc, sXk``, ToM, Trigger`-de, unR34L, MetalliC, SlyCer, KeNnY, bundi, p4r4no1d, riZo, ka, shooter, exodus, squat, sense, stAr, shr, killer, KOTer, reZ, Wombatz, Karnowsky, DEADEYE, Brot, timmey-, sas, Sturmmann, miZo, PTk, Pitbull, spawniii, doode, Spawn, aB, Duke, ckx, duffed, ekko, fsy, perfe, PeLu, qreq, suuty