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  P l a Y e R s L 0 u N G 3   id:  3141329
Name P l a Y e R s L 0 u N G 3
Shorthandle f A m 0 u z
Registered since 28/03/08
Homepage http://Who need a Homepage
Headquarters  Vatican City
The P l a Y e R s L 0 u N G 3 is an very High Open Team...
Get in when you think that you are a P l a Y e R.

Not for Flamers, Cheaters , Kiddys , Boons, b0b´s, NN´s, iNet´s, Fake Acc´s and all Idiots...

Just for beautiful P l a Y e R s ...and G i R L z !

And now , get in --> PW = Player
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