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  TBH.ASUS  EMS ♀  id:  4109463
Shorthandle TBH.ASUS
Registered since 10/05/09
IRC #bavarian-heaven  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Team Bavarian-Heaven e.V.
Headquarters  Germany / Taufkirchen
IRC #bavarian-heaven  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  ESL Major Series Season V CS Female Main Round
loss   54x45  0 Thursday, 10/12/09 15:00 13
loss   Aurora Gaming  0 Wednesday, 09/12/09 16:00 12
loss   unFinished  0 Thursday, 03/12/09 15:00 12
wins   Guardians  + 3 Thursday, 19/11/09 15:00 14
wins   DkH Multigaming e.V.  + 3 Tuesday, 17/11/09 15:00 14
Attended Events

Erfolge seit April 2009 Online & Offline

15/05/09 - 17/05/09 - 2. Platz auf der The Summit XII (CS1.6 Female Turnier)
19/04/09 - 31/05/09 - 5. Platz Deutsche Female Meisterschaft II
20/06/09 - 21/06/09 - 3. Platz Deutsche Female Meisterschaft II Playoffs
16/08/09 - 22/11/09 - 6. Platz Deutsche Female Meisterschaft III (tatsächlich Platz 3)
12/09/09 - 06/12/09 - 1. Platz LadiesLeague I
06/12/09 - 11/01/10 - 2. Platz Female EU Opening Cup