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  Aquila Gaming  .SWBF2 v1.0  id:  4300291
Name Aquila Gaming
Shorthandle a.Q |
Registered since 22/07/09
Subteam of Aquila Gaming
Headquarters  Germany
Die Stunde der Geburt

22.10.06 19:26h Soldiers of Republic register_team Killer

Die neue Zeit

30.11.08 00:06h Soldiers of Republic change_name Aquila Gaming

Und es geht weiter

28.05.11 12:16h Aquila Gaming join_league Battlefront II Mixed 4on4 Plus Ladder

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Latest matches
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Mixed 4on4 Plus Ladder
loss   why so serious  -11 Wednesday, 27/07/11 14:10 16
wins   EnTen SWBF2 4on4+  + 4 Sunday, 24/07/11 15:00 12
loss   Old Legend  -7 Thursday, 07/07/11 14:35 13
wins   French Gaming  + 9 Wednesday, 06/07/11 14:40 12
wins   EnTen SWBF2 4on4+  + 4 Sunday, 12/06/11 14:00 10
wins   EnTen SWBF2 4on4+  + 5 Tuesday, 15/03/11 15:00 4
loss   why so serious  -16 Friday, 11/03/11 14:00 4
wins   Immortal  + 5 Thursday, 24/02/11 15:00 4
wins   Unleashed Elemental Forces  + 2 Monday, 14/02/11 14:10 4
wins   Unleashed Elemental Forces  + 16 Saturday, 05/02/11 14:15 4