Ferdi and Chris  old EU 2on2 - 1109pkt 4-0-1  id:  551024
Name Ferdi and Chris
Shorthandle shcwul |
Registered since 18/07/03
Homepage http://www.shc-clan.de.vu
IRC #shc-clan  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of shcwul - 5on5 CO
Headquarters  Germany / Wistedt
♥♥♥We are absolutely shcwul and play only spontaneous Wars. Thank You... ♥♥♥

♥ shcwul meets ESL 2♥2 Liga ♥

♥ We are a FUN CLAN! We don\'t take this game as serious as u do. :P
Behave and we will also do! (;

♥ Sponsor: www.ob-online.de gives us all the knowledge about the female menstruation!
OB Comfort! The best OBs ever!

♥♥♥ Your SHCWUL :|
IRC #shc-clan  (QuakeNet)
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