rz R and Limiiii   id:  5680760
Name rz R and Limiiii
Shorthandle iPLAY
Registered since 16/02/11
Headquarters  Germany
Join team
Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
loss   insanity bro ISRAEL  -8 Tuesday, 03/01/12 10:27 4
  Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
wins   Quantium Base. Phy / C KING  + 26 Wednesday, 06/07/11 17:10 10
wins   gogusie  + 36 Wednesday, 06/07/11 15:15 5
wins   P!erro & Imp  + 27 Saturday, 26/02/11 17:17 8
  Call of Duty: Black Ops Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
loss   Powerplay Boyz  -2 Thursday, 03/03/11 16:13 2
wins   Die Alte Garde.Blood  + 15 Monday, 28/02/11 12:00 6
loss   HOMOS OF PALAU  -1 Saturday, 26/02/11 16:01 5
wins   Geländebobs  + 7 Friday, 25/02/11 17:00 2
i PLAY - finest eSports since 2009 || German Call of Duty Black Ops Team

Captain erazeR
Captain Limiii

iPLAY is a Multigaming Clan since 2009. The idea was born in 2007 while iPLAY Goddi was playing NonSteam CS 1.6 on own Lan Servers. After a while, we decided to found a new Multigaming Community. Some month later some new Members (Alpen EPS Player) joined iPLAY and have been a part of our Community. From time to time iPLAY become more and more a professional eSports Clan.

Now iPLAY is one of the biggest Multigaming Community with a international eSports Area. Now we´ve managed to found this spectacular platform...

www.team-iplay.de || iPLAY - Media || iPLAY - News || iPLAY - Community

Sponsoren & Partner

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"shark-systems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" || Affiliate Partner
Alles begann mit der Idee eine Gameserverfima zu gründen, die den anderen trotzen würde. Wir haben uns die Frage gestellt welche Aspekte wir beachten müssen um einer der besten Anbieter auf dem Markt werden zu können. Wir sind zu dem Entschluss gekommen, das Qualität und Kundenservice bei uns an erster Stelle stehen muss. Gamehosting der Firma Shark Systems Ltd. heisst nicht nur die standard Aspekte zu beachten und ein 0815-Hosting zu gewährleisten, sondern auch den hohen Standard der oberen 3 zu halten. Als einer der wenigen Anbieter bauen wir auf 64Bit Systeme von Dell.

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Contact: [email protected] or ICQ 612709591