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  Pietravalle Clan Soldiers   id:  731327
Name Pietravalle Clan Soldiers
Shorthandle -=PCS=-
Registered since 06/03/04
Homepage http://www.pcsclan.altervista...
IRC #pcs.clan  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Italy
IRC #pcs.clan  (QuakeNet)
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Pcs is an italian clan of counter strike.

PCS Was founded in the end of October 2002 by MRMoRRiS - Himmler - Monster.

The experience of this clan is very poor due to the point that we haven’t played to the most important competition as clan base.

The 70% of players of this clan live in the same city, and the total amount of the members is around 12 players.

We like to joke, laugh, but at the same time in cw we are very serious.

We really hate clan that use cit – script or something like that.

We hope that this small profile can clarify our position.