Testterino   id:  8435013
Name Testterino
Shorthandle Testt
Registered since 30/05/14
Headquarters  Spain
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  League of Legends Go4LoL 5on5 Copa #128 (V 18/07/14)
loss   TSMeta GameVIP  0 Friday, 18/07/14 12:00 2
wins   (bye)  Friday, 18/07/14 11:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL 5on5 Copa #126 (V 04/07/14)
loss   Hiban de Canecro eSports  0 Friday, 04/07/14 13:00
wins   SycotiK Gaming  + 2 Friday, 04/07/14 12:00
wins   (bye)  Friday, 04/07/14 11:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL 5on5 Copa #125 (V 27/06/14)
loss   myRevengeESP  0 Friday, 27/06/14 13:00
wins   PollevateEsta  + 2 Friday, 27/06/14 12:00 1
wins   (bye)  Friday, 27/06/14 11:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL 5on5 Copa #124 (V 20/06/14)
loss   Conos Team Tete  0 Friday, 20/06/14 12:00 2
wins   (bye)  Friday, 20/06/14 11:00