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  Universal Alliance  Mighty86  id:  8916681
Name Universal Alliance
Shorthandle UA M86
Registered since 15/02/15
Homepage http://www.universal-alliance...
Subteam of Universal Alliance
Headquarters  Germany
► Universal Alliance
The Universal Alliance was formed in 2008 and evolved from a simple clan to a large professional multigaming organisation. Even in this amount of years, we still kept our focus on CoD4, but we are also coming up with professional teams in other games. Our management is a team of highly experienced people, which are needed to keep the organisation active.
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Latest matches
  Go4LoL EU West Cup #234 (Sun 22.02.15)
loss   Black Turtle Gaming  0 Sunday, 22/02/15 09:15
loss   (bye)  Sunday, 22/02/15 08:00
  Go4LoL EU West Cup #233 (Sun 15.02.15)
loss   Arctic Foxes  0 Sunday, 15/02/15 08:00 2