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ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike III tura kwalifikacyjna
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03.04.11 OPRI EPS Detail
01.04.11 ARMADA Detail

ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike II tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
28.03.11 theORYGINALS Detail

ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike I tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
24.03.11 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Jesienny puchar
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25.10.10 hooligans Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Puchar Polski 2010
created from rating comment match
24.09.10 ich Trzech Detail
21.09.10 MAGICY 3on3 Detail
19.09.10 Black Roses 3on3 Detail
17.09.10 fucked by 3v3 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 IEM kwalifikacje
created from rating comment match
01.09.10 KAMUFLAGE Detail
29.08.10 Nations Detail
26.08.10 ORIENT EAS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.04.10 vac my life Detail
31.03.10 Szwedzka Dywizja Detail
30.03.10 Wesoly Konter Detail
25.03.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
25.03.10 siedem zyczen Detail
24.03.10 zerowo cos Detail
24.03.10 e-mates Detail
23.03.10 existence of live Detail
18.03.10 thalRISE- pol Detail
18.03.10 dobra Koniec Detail
14.03.10 nonNotus Detail
14.03.10 APOSTOLOWIE Detail
13.03.10 POKERstars 5x5 Detail
11.03.10 zielonoglowcy Detail
09.03.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
09.03.10 Moze sie przydac Detail
08.03.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
08.03.10 tim wyyebanix Detail
08.03.10 no to sru Detail
06.03.10 Team DEFACTO EAS Detail
06.03.10 cbteam Detail
04.03.10 pioooooorrrrr Detail
03.03.10 nonNotus Detail
01.03.10 T@rakot@ TeAM! Detail
27.02.10 DOBEE1 & FRIENDS Detail
27.02.10 Adios Uncle Tom Detail
26.02.10 Underground Players 5v5 Detail
26.02.10 04 oldsql plejah Detail
25.02.10 pioooooorrrrr Detail
25.02.10 thalRISE- pol Detail
23.02.10 Dzieki Bogu juz Piatek GG Detail
23.02.10 ODPALENI Detail
22.02.10 REVITZ pracc Detail
22.02.10 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail
20.02.10 CVG Detail
19.02.10 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail
19.02.10 Zmarnowane Talenty Detail
18.02.10 Underground Players 5v5 Detail
17.02.10 INFINITYy Detail
16.02.10 eliminacja cs Detail
16.02.10 team proche Detail
14.02.10 eliminacja cs Detail
14.02.10 thalRISE- pol Detail
14.02.10 SIEPATORNIA Detail
13.02.10 team-rout Detail
13.02.10 Trafiam w banie Detail
13.02.10 kicked group Detail
11.02.10 netstars conneXion Detail
11.02.10 LANOFFFE KASKI Detail
10.02.10 BUNT Detail
09.02.10 Creative mp3 store Detail
08.02.10 500kg Detail
08.02.10 JURWA! Detail
08.02.10 TURBODYMOMANv2 Detail
07.02.10 no to sru Detail
07.02.10 mix taki se smieszny Detail
05.02.10 Lamehack Detail
05.02.10 JURWA! Detail
04.02.10 existence of live Detail
04.02.10 APOSTOLOWIE Detail
04.02.10 EKIPA PETRUSA Detail
03.02.10 Siema heniu Detail
02.02.10 APOSTOLOWIE Detail
02.02.10 eliminacja cs Detail
31.01.10 Galaktyczni Wojownicy Detail
30.01.10 Stare Pryki Detail
30.01.10 BenQ.18 Detail
16.01.10 LIKE A G6 Detail
08.01.10 RUMUNY Detail
08.01.10 mixy.pl Detail
08.01.10 TURBODYMOMAN Detail
07.01.10 wonsz Detail
06.01.10 mixy Chopin'a Detail
06.01.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
06.01.10 Z.O.O gie gie :) Detail
05.01.10 GMS 5v5 Detail
04.01.10 Team DEFACTO EAS Detail
04.01.10 BEZ OPORU Detail
04.01.10 JLB.live Detail
04.01.10 dwadziescia zlotych Detail
03.01.10 f3jk3rzY Detail
03.01.10 KANTER STRAJK Detail
02.01.10 pudelek Detail
02.01.10 1337xD Detail
01.01.10 Skazani na Sukcezzzz Detail
30.12.09 Paradiso Girls! Detail
30.12.09 Hamuj Bajere Detail
30.12.09 tempe jany Detail
29.12.09 Team DEFACTO EAS Detail
29.12.09 SUPERMANv2 Detail
29.12.09 In Nomine Dei gg Detail
28.12.09 TLUSTE KOTY #2 Detail
28.12.09 catsss Detail
28.12.09 BeZcEnZuRy Detail
28.12.09 PROUD PEOPLE Detail
27.12.09 Gloria virtuti resonat Detail
27.12.09 haxy Detail
27.12.09 JURWA! Detail
26.12.09 FIRSTTEAM Detail
26.12.09 TEAM OGIEN Detail
25.12.09 E-PiZGACZE Detail
25.12.09 BoomSlave Detail
25.12.09 headshooterss 3on3 Detail
25.12.09 Seringai Salutes You Detail
25.12.09 GAME ON Detail
25.12.09 JURWA! Detail