Rating TEAMNAM3E## 

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Counter-Strike 4on4 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.01.10 Bo0stBusteRs Detail
16.01.10 Team SNH Detail
15.01.10 the answer Detail
14.01.10 Drunken Sailor Detail
26.12.09 Karlsruhe.cs Detail
25.12.09 friendship Detail
25.12.09 F to da Lame 11 - v.1 Detail
25.12.09 chaoscrew asdasdasd Detail
25.12.09 The Saints are coming Detail
25.12.09 heartless Detail
25.12.09 Surenhoehne moegen Sickenfex Detail
23.12.09 can you meet me halfway Detail
22.12.09 irgendwie Detail
15.11.09 Truthahnjäger 4on4 gg Detail
15.11.09 dopefish h4ck3nde hund3 Detail
15.11.09 hau mal insi an Detail
13.11.09 payback Detail
10.11.09 yNET legendeNN 3er ulow Detail
07.11.09 BALLY Detail
07.10.09 friendship Detail
04.10.09 fat-headed Detail
04.10.09 martyrs Detail
02.10.09 WoW Detail
25.09.09 NETZ SPIELER Detail
23.09.09 eXclusive project Detail