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CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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13.09.12 BreakingBADv3 Detail
13.09.12 Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder Detail
13.09.12 K1LL3R3L173 0M3G4 SQU4D Detail
10.09.12 BAZINGA! Detail
06.09.12 Los Pollos Hermanos Detail
06.09.12 d3stroy kackboon Detail
05.09.12 Alea Iacta Est Detail
05.09.12 Monsteresports CS:GO Detail
05.09.12 ENEYE Detail
30.08.12 69 ? :P Detail
30.08.12 na grubo Detail
30.08.12 DreamTeam 5on5 Detail
30.08.12 Rage Detail
29.08.12 Alea Iacta Est Detail
29.08.12 The expendabless Detail
27.08.12 Take Your Head Csgo Detail
26.08.12 ownage Xperience Detail
23.08.12 15 again Detail
23.08.12 pedo viele dustkinder Detail
23.08.12 UCAP.Rush Detail
23.08.12 Revolution-Gaming Hellraier Detail
22.08.12 respect the oldschool Detail
22.08.12 RAMMBOCK CS:GO Detail
22.08.12 ANSLEK EST NUL Detail
22.08.12 NONAME Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 5on5 ESL Pro Series - offener Qualifikationscup #1
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09.09.12 SFTO eSports Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 3on3 Ladder
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07.09.12 chilledkröten Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #09 - 02/09
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02.09.12 Wild-Play Sundaycup CS:GO Team Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #08 - 26/08
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26.08.12 Krzynowek fanklub Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 5on5 MR15 Cup #02
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23.08.12 gentlemen Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Beta Ladder
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20.08.12 CSGO ist zu stronk für uns!!! flameboys Detail
20.08.12 ANSLEK EST NUL Detail
19.08.12 Team Nerv Detail
16.08.12 Fortitudo Detail
12.08.12 SPANISH. CSGO Detail
09.08.12 MAGNETIX CS:GO Detail
07.08.12 SPANISH. CSGO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 5on5 MR15 Cup #1
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16.08.12 csgoboyys Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 3on3 MR 15 Cup #1
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07.08.12 overGame e-Sports CS:GO.3on3 Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #04 - 29/07
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02.08.12 nobvious Detail
29.07.12 Team Serverforge Detail
29.07.12 GetFight Detail
29.07.12 OVERFUZION eSports Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #03 - 22/07
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22.07.12 Polish Dynamite CS:GO Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #02 - 15/07
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15.07.12 gekas obvious... Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 CM Storm Opening Cup
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24.06.12 CS:GO intermix CUP Detail
24.06.12 HEADZOTS! Detail
24.06.12 Phantoms Last Resorts Detail