Team-Sypher  EPS CS  id:  4508253
Main Line-up - Season 2010

Riccardo Natalizio aka. hutCh - 0:1:183381
Antoine Cassanelli aka. AntoinC - 0:0:2676214
Arnaud Vanhaelewyn aka. ardd - 0:1:13438274
Massimo Cicerale aka. iDENT - 0:0:5945883
Grégoire Debay aka. yokO - 0:0:59531

About Sypher.CS for 2010

Returning from a second place in EPS3 online season and ending up 3/4rd on the offline finals as the team split-up the day before the event, this renewed line-up features once more the best players of the Walloon part of Belgium.

Having experience in this game for many years each individual player has been trough a lot of online and off-line events giving them a wide view on the competitive CS Scene. Furthermore this is a team of friends who know each-other IRL for many years being the magical touch to the stability.

For this season we see 3 core-players still present and iDENT being one of those returning at full activity for this 2010 Season. With the removal of long-standing members and friends NESK & fre3, today we see AntoinC and ardd joining up to complete the team.

After a first solid off-line performance as a new team at the Dutch lan "The Party 8", the team knows their weaknesses and strengths to work on for this EPS season. There's only 1 goal. NR1.