Contacts & Buddies
maTk  id: 1833363
Name Matthias 
Nick maTk
Member since 14/05/06
Age / Gender 34 Years / male
Nationality  Spain
Territory Germany
Main team Scrubs 19-3-4 Int
           There are so many moments
        you can share with anyone, someone.
     And you just feel like them all last forever,
      when its only a night, its only a moment.
Level & Awards
  18 Awards  
ICQ Games
CS Manager
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight 51 - 1on1 MR10 Knife - 13.02.
loss KvN  0 Sunday, 13/11/11 14:30 4
win (bye)  Sunday, 13/11/11 14:00 0
  Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Frühjahrscup 2011
loss Rims  0 Thursday, 28/04/11 14:00 1
win D-Pop  +2 Saturday, 23/04/11 14:00 1
  HaxBall 1on1 Frühlings Quali Cup #2
loss 1071711  0 Thursday, 21/04/11 13:50 0
win (bye)  Thursday, 21/04/11 13:25 0
loss Caedus  0 Thursday, 21/04/11 13:00 0
  HaxBall 1on1 Frühlings Quali Cup #1
loss 5563914  0 Tuesday, 19/04/11 13:50 0
win Tysker  +2 Tuesday, 19/04/11 13:25 0
loss 5629551  0 Tuesday, 19/04/11 13:00 0
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