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Contacts & Buddies
xxxx Erdi xxxx  id: 1943812
Name erdi 
Nick xxxx Erdi xxxx
Member since 20/07/06
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Turkey
Territory Germany
Occupation Einzelhandelskaufmann
Employer / University / School Ausbildung
Main team --
*E*I*G*H*T*** FIFA SOCCER Squad ****X****
*E*I*G*H*T*** ****X****
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Level & Awards
FIFA 13 (360)
Recent matches
  Germany FIFA 13 (360) 1on1 Ostercup
loss 6515340  0 Thursday, 28/03/13 15:00
  Germany FIFA 13 (360) 1on1 5 Sterne Ladder
loss 7408404  -32 Wednesday, 13/03/13 10:00
win 7560830  +22 Saturday, 09/03/13 16:45
win 6761169  +19 Thursday, 14/02/13 17:30
win 7412908  +23 Thursday, 14/02/13 13:45
win 7504638  +23 Monday, 11/02/13 11:25
win 6706693  +18 Wednesday, 06/02/13 17:00
  Germany FIFA 13 (360) 1on1 A-Series
win 5901369  +25 Saturday, 16/02/13 13:30
  Germany FIFA 13 (360) 1on1 Quickcup #2
loss 5904105  0 Thursday, 24/01/13 13:00
  Germany FIFA 13 (360) 1on1 4 Sterne Ladder
loss 3445900  -18 Monday, 21/01/13 17:15
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