SASA  id: 3165080
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Dota 2 1on1 Zalman Solo Cup
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15.06.13 7740624 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 A-Series
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18.10.12 7236701 Detail
Point Blank 1on1 wiretest
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09.10.12 Wengelm Detail
Dota 2 1on1 The Line Cup #1
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24.06.12 6454846 gg Detail
24.06.12 6968222 gg Detail
24.06.12 4963464 Detail
Testing Area Admin Cup
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14.10.11 3383803 Detail
13.10.11 frostee Халява ) Detail
11.10.11 3812388 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP NightCup #1.4
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26.07.11 xeter гг) Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup #10 (Sat 16.04.11) - Win €100
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16.04.11 5352897 good guy ) Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Dec 2010 Premium Qualifier #4 (Thurs 30.12.10)
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30.12.10 3056702 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Gold/Platinum Cup #83 (Weds 29.12.10) - Non Premium!
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29.12.10 5493815 gg) Detail
29.12.10 4592728 GG Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 SC2go
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20.11.10 Rough Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Test match sasa vs weng
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01.11.10 Wengelm Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Cup #23 (Sat 17.07.10)
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17.07.10 NightEnD Detail
Skype Games Checkers Admin Cup #1
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08.05.10 AnarH Detail
05.05.10 2682062 Detail
04.05.10 3867227 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Thursday Poker Night #3
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29.04.10 2682062 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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04.04.10 4435648 GG Detail
02.04.10 4834972 all in, very low Detail
01.04.10 4435648 Detail
17.02.10 4147430 Detail
12.02.10 4620074 Detail
12.02.10 3521412 Detail
12.02.10 3542302 Detail
29.01.10 2963712 Detail
11.10.09 shrunK Detail
11.10.09 3036842 gg Detail
12.09.09 2899110 boooring Detail
12.09.09 4120531 Detail
12.09.09 Starktier Detail
02.09.09 3901955 Detail
12.08.09 qlboiii Detail
12.08.09 3840790 Detail
11.08.09 1725325 nice game :) thx Detail
11.08.09 AMANDiiNEE Detail
10.08.09 4337086 Detail
08.08.09 2579863 Detail
08.08.09 DragneS Detail
08.08.09 2290459 Detail
08.08.09 2664159 Detail
08.08.09 2012662 Detail
08.08.09 2479427 Detail
06.08.09 3976344 all in, all in, all in. )) LOL )) Detail
06.08.09 2344391 Detail
06.08.09 mEchanicaL Detail
21.07.09 n4k0 n1) Detail
21.07.09 3226324 Detail
21.07.09 2583600 Detail
18.07.09 2857190 nice game :) thx Detail
18.07.09 2495248 Detail
18.07.09 eLdorado booring game( Detail
16.07.09 2031989 Detail
16.07.09 1798409 gg Detail
12.07.09 1367818 nice game :) Detail
12.07.09 2011577 Detail
09.07.09 evilmaikel Detail
09.07.09 2506114 Detail
09.07.09 baboune Detail
09.07.09 4067050 Detail
08.07.09 3215216 Detail
08.07.09 2230804 Detail
08.07.09 2727098 Detail
08.07.09 cheplarace nice game :) Detail
08.07.09 2864481 nice game Detail
28.06.09 2969777 Detail
28.06.09 2949255 Detail
28.06.09 1735854 Detail
28.06.09 1625914 Detail
28.06.09 4035915 Detail
25.06.09 1768053 Detail
25.06.09 2649839 Detail
25.06.09 1412030 Detail
25.06.09 3451079 Detail
24.06.09 PrD'sTr Detail
24.06.09 spirit Detail
10.06.09 3781828 looooooooooooongg game Detail
10.06.09 4181060 Detail
10.06.09 3859343 Detail
10.06.09 squeeZ offens Detail
10.06.09 noAK Detail
25.04.09 3214267 Detail
23.04.09 1673904 Detail
23.04.09 3221208 Detail
23.04.09 3667006 Detail
23.04.09 raidn Detail
23.04.09 2117720 Detail
23.04.09 2780898 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Admin Cup 1
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15.01.10 AnarH Detail
15.01.10 tRMp Detail
15.01.10 2829337 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
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30.11.09 3967393 Detail
29.11.09 ALEX KOSMOS было интересно :) Detail
29.11.09 4313200 Detail
28.11.09 3731977 20 минут скуки) Detail
Intern Admin Ladder 1on1 Ladder
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18.11.09 tRMp Detail
16.11.09 obolon wp) Detail
09.11.09 3715347 Detail
21.10.09 Scout thx for game Detail
18.10.09 3715347 Detail
Intel Extreme Masters Season IV GameOn Cup Russia 1
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28.10.09 4186429 Detail
Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
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19.10.09 4146781 Detail
18.10.09 3715347 gg шечка) Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
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19.10.09 3715347 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Poker Night #2
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09.10.09 3987927 Detail
TrackMania Nations Forever EMS V Belarus Qualification
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09.10.09 3265607 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
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02.09.09 4152686 Detail
01.09.09 3988194 Detail
01.09.09 3901955 Detail
20.08.09 Lestar Detail
14.08.09 3988194 Detail
12.08.09 3901316 Detail
12.08.09 3987927 Detail
12.08.09 4012367 Detail
31.07.09 4211039 Detail
31.07.09 3901955 gg Detail
30.07.09 3987927 Detail
21.07.09 3667272 Detail
13.07.09 3901955 Detail
12.07.09 spirit Detail
11.07.09 3901316 gg Detail
02.07.09 3302724 Detail
02.07.09 3242481 Detail
30.06.09 3209666 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 August Cup
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24.08.09 3901955 Detail
20.08.09 3988194 Detail
17.08.09 3002426 Detail
11.08.09 4009633 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Poker Night #1
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24.07.09 3987783 красавец) Detail
24.07.09 3242481 Detail
24.07.09 3987783 Detail
24.07.09 3901316 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Poker Night #9
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29.06.09 1604440 долго и нудно :) но гг Detail
25.06.09 3453945 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Wednesday Cup #2
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25.06.09 2343796 Detail
Call of Duty 4 1on1 Promod WeekEnd Cup #1
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13.05.09 3904341 Detail
10.05.09 3667006 Detail
Call of Duty 4 1on1 Promod Ladder
created to rating comment match
07.05.09 4082482 Detail
23.04.09 3667006 Detail
11.03.09 3915503 Detail
07.03.09 3667006 Detail
07.03.09 3797568 Detail
07.03.09 3922862 шумит много)) Detail
07.03.09 3907298 Detail
06.03.09 3209666 Detail
05.03.09 Asmadey gg Detail
05.03.09 3904341 кемп) Detail
05.03.09 3912463 Detail
04.03.09 3326318 gg Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Night Cup #2
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13.02.09 3271844 Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
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09.10.08 WaRk3r gg ^)) dot use rat style :) Detail