Visitors (since 20/12/10)
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Christian 'Fishyyy' Sarkanbardis  id: 3055098
created Platform action
20/02/08 10:22h first_login_default 
20/02/08 12:40h first_login_esltv 
23/02/08 21:13h join_team  Deleted account (3063653)
19/03/08 17:43h register_team  TacticalNoobs (3120781)
26/03/08 09:53h team_kick  Deleted account (3063653)
03/10/08 08:53h first_login_eslworld 
13/07/09 19:21h join_team  Deleted account (4277785)
20/07/09 14:21h join_team  GGT (4159052)
03/08/09 19:15h join_team  eRase-eSports Main Team (4328685)
05/08/09 17:34h team_kick  eRase-eSports Main Team (4328685) / by Deleted account (2741987)
10/08/09 13:47h leave_team  GGT (4159052)
10/08/09 17:01h join_team  Deleted account (4344290)
19/08/09 14:47h join_team  Lan-Maniac (4359358)
25/08/09 12:30h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
27/08/09 09:50h join_team  Deleted account (4384140)
03/09/09 06:33h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 3
03/09/09 12:40h join_team  Deleted account (4391463)
06/09/09 12:19h join_team  Deleted account (4408099)
17/09/09 09:13h first_login_sports 
26/09/09 11:12h join_team  eRase-eSports Main Team (4328685)
28/09/09 11:43h join_team  Deleted account (4363409)
28/09/09 18:40h team_kick  Deleted account (4344290) / by Kuhla. (2542581)
04/10/09 13:41h team_kick  Deleted account (4384140) / by Deleted account (1412388)
05/11/09 15:15h join_team  Coole Gangster (4547392)
28/11/09 09:49h join_team  Deleted account (4614595)
01/12/09 14:38h leave_team  Coole Gangster (4547392)
01/12/09 14:39h leave_league  Ger Counter-Strike: Source King of the Hill Season #17
04/12/09 13:53h team_kick  eRase-eSports Main Team (4328685) / by Deleted account (2741987)
12/12/09 03:17h leave_team  Deleted account (4614595)
12/12/09 03:17h leave_team  Lan-Maniac (4359358)
22/01/10 19:43h join_team  Mann sind wir Scheisse v2 (4761714)
25/01/10 18:16h join_team  Die krassen Tiere (4770738)
24/03/10 13:14h join_team  Sercious.css/train acc (4911185)
29/03/10 14:10h join_team  Mein Freund ist Ausländer (4964760)
05/04/10 15:25h leave_team  Sercious.css/train acc (4911185)
21/05/10 13:27h leave_team  Mein Freund ist Ausländer (4964760)
15/06/10 16:50h join_team  Tiere goes EAS (5131789)
31/07/10 08:50h register_team  Hamsterforce (5215339)
08/08/10 18:59h join_team  TIERE (4790483)
04/09/10 09:42h leave_team  Die krassen Tiere (4770738)
04/09/10 09:43h leave_team  Mann sind wir Scheisse v2 (4761714)
04/09/10 10:23h join_team  Deleted account (5295345)
08/09/10 14:57h join_team  Inept-gaming.css (5305760)
18/09/10 12:34h join_team  die *icker (5325804)
19/10/10 18:29h leave_team  Deleted account (5295345)
30/10/10 17:28h join_team  Deleted account (5358316)
08/11/10 16:18h join_team  Deleted account (5343099)
08/11/10 16:21h join_team  RV-Gaming (2547606)
08/11/10 16:55h leave_team  Inept-gaming.css (5305760)
12/11/10 08:16h team_kick  Deleted account (5358316) / by Deleted account (3660552)
28/11/10 14:02h leave_team  Deleted account (5343099)
28/11/10 14:02h leave_team  RV-Gaming (2547606)
17/04/11 18:00h join_team  Deleted account (5839029)
03/05/11 18:18h join_team  5on5-mr15 (5880599)
03/05/11 18:18h join_team  5on5-mr12 (5880603)
08/02/12 18:59h join_team  Deleted account (6604845)
10/02/12 11:57h leave_team  Deleted account (6604845)
04/03/12 10:20h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
05/07/12 16:16h join_team  Darth Vader IS A PIRATE! (6340174)
09/05/13 16:17h join_team  no Limit for us (7664016)
30/08/14 20:29h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0
22/12/16 06:43h first_login_sm 
22/12/16 06:44h first_login_sm