rexaniN  id: 3359748
created Platform action
13/07/08 07:24h first_login_default 
13/07/08 07:27h join_team  Deleted account (3342910)
01/08/08 09:02h leave_team  Deleted account (3342910)
01/08/08 09:03h register_team  Deleted account (3406343)
01/08/08 09:03h register_team  Deleted account (3406345)
01/08/08 09:03h register_team  Deleted account (3406346)
01/08/08 09:04h register_team  Deleted account (3406349)
15/08/08 08:05h first_login_esltv 
20/08/08 17:09h first_login_esltv 
05/09/08 06:10h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
07/09/08 06:36h register_team  Deleted account (3490551)
07/09/08 06:39h register_team  Deleted account (3490556)
20/03/09 10:07h register_team  Deleted account (3971441)
15/04/09 17:56h join_team  Deleted account (4047145)
21/07/09 06:08h leave_team  Deleted account (4047145)
21/07/09 06:13h register_team  Deleted account (4295713)
31/10/09 16:26h join_team  Deleted account (4535606)
31/10/09 16:40h leave_team  Deleted account (4535606)
31/10/09 16:40h join_team  Deleted account (4535606)
12/11/09 10:55h register_team  Deleted account (4562538)
08/05/10 12:16h join_team  Deleted account (5053448)
09/05/10 05:18h first_login_sm 
09/05/10 05:19h register_team  Team E D E L H U R E N (5059161)
09/05/10 08:54h team_kick  Deleted account (5053448) / by Deleted account (5040180)
29/05/10 19:27h join_team  FASTAIM GeNeRaTioN 5on5 (5099117)
07/06/10 14:12h join_team  Team EVERYDAY Main-Base (4953662)
10/06/10 10:59h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 2
10/06/10 13:42h join_team  Deleted account (5079291)
10/06/10 17:48h join_team  EVERYDAY OLD EAS (5122690)
10/06/10 17:49h leave_team  EVERYDAY OLD EAS (5122690)
10/06/10 17:50h leave_team  FASTAIM GeNeRaTioN 5on5 (5099117)
16/06/10 08:53h first_login_consoles 
01/07/10 07:24h first_login_sm 
03/07/10 07:05h join_team  Deleted account (5162712)
05/07/10 09:52h team_kick  Deleted account (5162712) / by HUBERTRR. (4476679)
05/07/10 09:53h join_team  Deleted account (5166237)
06/07/10 10:17h leave_team  Deleted account (5166237)
22/07/10 19:23h join_team  EVERYDAY OLD EAS (5122690)
02/09/10 19:37h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
11/12/10 14:22h register_team  Team EVERYDAY Female Europa (5504583)
11/12/10 14:22h register_team  Team EVERYDAY ! (5504585)
28/12/10 09:50h join_team  Deleted account (5036536)
22/01/11 13:00h join_team  the art of gaming (3975234)
07/03/11 08:02h team_kick  Deleted account (5036536) / by siRE (3262963)
28/03/11 08:22h join_team  in memory of vivacon.Online (4359088)
28/03/11 13:54h join_team  SEGELBERTA ;. (5771750)
07/04/11 14:46h join_team  Deleted account (5286197)
16/04/11 18:53h team_kick  SEGELBERTA ;. (5771750) / by Cutie Breakdown (3136671)
28/04/11 13:56h team_kick  in memory of vivacon.Online (4359088) / by Deleted account (5042303)
30/04/11 16:26h register_team  Team EVERYDAY (5872855)
05/05/11 10:50h join_team  Deleted account (5884006)
30/10/11 06:25h team_kick  Deleted account (6162161) / by Deleted account (5274043)
07/11/11 15:36h join_team  5## G0DZ (6344984)
11/11/11 14:36h team_kick  5## G0DZ (6344984) / by Icecold (3655120)
13/11/11 13:58h team_kick  amazing, true & genius (5396512) / by SAMSSON (3545762)
17/11/11 11:11h join_team  babacondazzz (6370407)
25/11/11 15:51h join_team  ZELOFISO (6393501)
07/12/11 12:48h join_team  Team AUGSBURG (6100876)
09/12/11 15:15h join_team  Deleted account (6427380)
21/12/11 19:47h join_team  P0STUREOMAX1MO (6461382)
25/12/11 16:37h join_team  Deleted account (6264329)
27/12/11 10:41h team_kick  Deleted account (6264329) / by toni (700920)
20/01/12 15:03h team_kick  ZELOFISO (6393501) / by tinach (3608348)
03/02/12 12:53h team_kick  Deleted account (6427380) / by Deleted account (5697394)
15/02/12 16:55h wanna_join_league  Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
15/02/12 16:55h trusted_direct_join  Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
15/02/12 16:55h join_league  Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
16/02/12 07:23h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
16/02/12 07:23h trusted_direct_join  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
16/02/12 07:23h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
19/02/12 08:14h join_team  Deleted account (6642249)
19/02/12 17:57h join_team  EVERYDAY CSS (6328608)
22/02/12 11:05h register_team  Team EVERYDAY (6652782)
22/02/12 11:10h join_team  MEXHANDS (4756322)
22/02/12 11:18h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
28/02/12 10:50h join_team  Deleted account (6672868)
15/03/12 21:00h inactivity_kick  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
17/03/12 08:17h team_kick  Deleted account (6642249) / by Deleted account (5266510)
19/03/12 18:14h team_kick  Deleted account (6672868) / by Deleted account (4995685)
24/03/12 13:50h team_kick  MEXHANDS (4756322) / by speix (4278068)
28/03/12 19:55h inactivity_kick  Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
15/04/12 17:06h join_team  BEASTS.CZE (6695670)
04/05/12 14:33h join_team  R4ped BY (2104196)
30/05/12 12:47h join_team  aVerage.GO (6222938)
02/06/12 11:12h team_kick  aVerage.GO (6222938) / by tNo (5932313)
05/06/12 19:07h team_kick  R4ped BY (2104196) / by Silk (1874559)
06/06/12 10:36h join_team  POKATUNTAS (6905197)
25/07/12 14:04h join_team  EVERYDAY Go4CS:GO (7041643)
11/03/13 12:07h register_team (7584502)
11/03/13 18:01h join_team  In memory of CPLAY Tt eSPORTS (7449679)
11/03/13 18:32h join_team  Rastadotgaming (7458655)
18/03/13 09:30h team_kick  In memory of CPLAY Tt eSPORTS (7449679) / by phX (4362988)
11/08/13 04:21h join_team  in memory of internetlife (6117633)
18/08/13 11:03h team_kick  in memory of internetlife (6117633) / by siraxta- (5951180)
10/11/13 16:28h team_kick  Rastadotgaming (7458655) / by Spoonman (3559681)
14/01/14 15:41h team_kick  P0STUREOMAX1MO (6461382) / by tinach (3608348)
26/01/14 08:34h join_team  Vengeance-Gaming (8187166)
26/01/14 08:34h join_team  Deleted account (8187364)
14/02/14 10:22h join_team  ezpz (8236447)
15/02/14 10:33h register_team  tryhard (8238861)
25/05/14 19:59h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0
01/11/14 11:46h team_kick  Deleted account (8187364) / by Deleted account (7740854)
08/05/15 18:55h join_team  SPEEDPIXELS old (8856954)
08/05/15 18:57h join_team  Team SPEEDPIXELS OLD (9092808)
22/08/15 04:25h register_team  Team SPEEDPIXELS - CS:GO (9344252)
23/09/15 07:12h join_team  poewrhjgklerwh (6355657)
09/10/15 06:46h join_team  SPEEDPIXELS (9356138)
18/10/15 08:34h join_team  Deleted account (9495519)
19/10/15 11:54h join_team  Deleted account (9499254)
22/10/15 17:22h team_kick  poewrhjgklerwh (6355657) / by dBierschenk (2472098)
25/10/15 12:05h team_kick  Deleted account (9499254) / by dBierschenk (2472098)
30/10/15 11:28h team_kick  SPEEDPIXELS (9356138) / by dBierschenk (2472098)
19/01/16 16:07h join_team  SPEEDPIXELS CUP (9489245)
19/01/16 16:09h join_team  SPEEDPIXELS (9770498)
20/01/16 15:53h join_team  Ex - Wild-Play (9773502)
25/01/16 17:48h team_kick  Ex - Wild-Play (9773502) / by xeRR (5888473)
23/07/16 11:07h join_team  unnamed123 (10156175)
28/07/16 13:45h join_team  Aimschweiss (9090322)
11/08/16 13:34h team_kick  unnamed123 (10156175) / by Deleted account (9467760)
15/08/16 05:53h join_team  chivatos (10400142)
15/10/16 06:57h join_team  Deleted account (10538769)
05/11/16 09:57h join_team  Deleted account (10632942)
05/11/16 11:05h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
05/11/16 13:18h join_team  3n3 profis (8008276)
09/11/16 11:09h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 3
28/11/16 08:07h join_team  Deleted account (10159736)
17/12/16 18:50h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
22/12/16 15:42h first_login_sm 
27/12/16 21:13h leave_team  Deleted account (10538769)
29/12/16 14:05h team_kick  Deleted account (10159736) / by Deleted account (3904397)
27/01/17 14:06h register_team  SPEEDPIXELS Open League (10889055)
21/04/17 16:24h join_team  hurrdurrr (10819353)
15/01/19 11:33h join_team  f1racecar (9705771)
22/01/19 11:23h team_kick  f1racecar (9705771) / by Deleted account (9132669)
23/01/19 13:24h join_team  f1racecar (9705771)
09/11/19 19:33h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0