created | Platform | action |
05/08/09 12:12h | first_login_default | |
05/08/09 12:29h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
05/08/09 12:41h | change_xfire -> sley009 | |
05/08/09 13:09h | wanna_join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Ladder | |
05/08/09 13:10h | first_login_esltv | |
05/08/09 13:15h | join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Ladder | |
06/08/09 14:06h | leave_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Ladder | |
07/08/09 23:27h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
16/08/09 12:19h | join_team Veni Vidi Vichi (4107304) | |
27/10/09 00:08h | inactivity_kick Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
09/11/09 02:55h | join_team New Generation (4553590) | |
09/11/09 11:51h | leave_team Veni Vidi Vichi (4107304) | |
18/11/09 04:26h | join_team Veni Vidi Vichi (4107304) | |
21/01/10 11:21h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
21/01/10 13:47h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
26/01/10 08:32h | wanna_join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Heli Cup #1 | |
26/01/10 08:33h | join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Heli Cup #1 | |
26/01/10 12:22h | leave_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
11/03/10 12:17h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
11/03/10 13:41h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
05/04/10 10:23h | leave_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
06/06/10 07:25h | wanna_join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Heli Cup #2 | |
06/06/10 07:33h | join_league UA Battlefield 2 1on1 Heli Cup #2 | |
07/07/10 16:44h | leave_team Veni Vidi Vichi (4107304) | |
07/07/10 16:45h | join_team A2.Conquest (4837081) | |
08/07/10 18:35h | team_kick A2.Conquest (4837081) / by Marki (3855882) | |
10/08/10 04:51h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
10/08/10 05:25h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
04/09/10 09:46h | leave_league Europe Battlefield 2 Heli Battle 1on1 Ladder | |
23/09/10 07:29h | join_team Pride (5335192) | |
09/10/10 10:07h | join_team Deleted account (5369822) | |
10/10/10 13:04h | join_team Deleted account (5372099) | |
12/10/10 03:36h | team_kick Deleted account (5369822) / by Deleted account (4617326) | |
12/10/10 12:37h | join_team Deleted account (5369822) | |
16/10/10 16:59h | team_kick Deleted account (5372099) / by tokill9r (3665249) | |
15/01/11 12:25h | join_team Engineer team (5592292) | |
15/01/11 12:27h | leave_team New Generation (4553590) | |
15/01/11 12:27h | leave_team Pride (5335192) | |
31/01/11 12:09h | register_team Deleted account (5634447) | |
28/02/11 12:49h | join_team RAGE.eSports Friends (5712424) | |
14/03/11 02:05h | join_team RushTv Stoners Fan Club<3 (4446105) | |
17/03/11 07:30h | join_team No Cheat No Tweak (2696767) | |
20/03/11 11:09h | join_team Standard Config Player (3122387) | |
21/03/11 10:13h | join_team Deleted account (5769276) | |
16/04/11 09:15h | join_team RELAPSE! (4359167) | |
21/01/12 08:33h | join_team The last BF2 Players (5216442) | |
25/03/12 10:21h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
28/04/12 06:40h | leave_team RELAPSE! (4359167) | |
28/04/12 06:40h | leave_team RushTv Stoners Fan Club<3 (4446105) | |
28/04/12 06:40h | leave_team Deleted account (5769276) | |
24/11/12 11:07h | first_login_eslworld | |
25/01/13 08:47h | join_team Hellyeah! (7473345) | |
25/01/13 09:42h | team_kick Pride (5335192) / by Deleted account (4522120) | |
27/01/13 10:06h | leave_team Hellyeah! (7473345) | |
27/01/13 10:56h | join_team In Memory Of BF2 vol.2 (3410125) | |
27/01/13 14:31h | join_team WTF 2v2 (7483459) | |
03/02/13 15:55h | join_team mISFiTs (7366803) | |
23/02/13 15:35h | join_team Witch-Kings fan and friends (5645765) | |
24/02/13 12:17h | join_team ZARYA (4744515) | |
24/02/13 12:52h | leave_team mISFiTs (7366803) | |
25/02/13 14:58h | join_league CIS Battlefield 2 Conquest Heli cup #1 | |
16/03/13 09:13h | join_team Deleted account (7398732) | |
16/03/13 15:00h | join_team ESL Russia&CIS (3127268) | |
16/03/13 16:39h | register_team Deleted account (7596333) | |
18/03/13 11:39h | join_team Appaloosa (4157709) | |
20/03/13 10:18h | register_team Deleted account (7605550) | |
20/03/13 10:28h | first_login_consoles | |
20/03/13 10:28h | first_login_consoles | |
21/03/13 16:13h | join_team Ukraine - BF2 2012-2013 (7383956) | |
24/03/13 05:38h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #3 | |
24/03/13 05:54h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #4 | |
24/03/13 05:54h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #5 | |
24/03/13 09:15h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #4 | |
24/03/13 16:07h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #3 | |
24/03/13 16:07h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 All Stars #5 | |
26/03/13 14:19h | wanna_join_league CIS Battlefield 2 Infantry 1on1 Knife Cup #1 | |
26/03/13 14:20h | join_league CIS Battlefield 2 Infantry 1on1 Knife Cup #1 | |
17/04/13 08:28h | join_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
28/04/13 04:10h | leave_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
02/05/13 05:32h | join_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
05/05/13 07:49h | join_team Deleted account (6646293) | |
06/05/13 17:27h | join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturday Cup #9 | |
06/05/13 17:30h | wanna_join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturday Cup #9 | |
06/05/13 18:10h | join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturday Cup #9 | |
09/05/13 10:15h | register_team Deleted account (7715354) | |
11/05/13 02:35h | wanna_join_league CIS Firefall TDM Beta Cup #1 | |
11/05/13 05:51h | join_league CIS Firefall TDM Beta Cup #1 | |
13/05/13 09:55h | join_team Deleted account (5048926) | |
15/05/13 12:48h | first_login_america | |
18/05/13 10:43h | wanna_join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturdаy Cup #10 | |
18/05/13 10:43h | join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturdаy Cup #10 | |
21/05/13 03:46h | wanna_join_league CIS Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Draft Cup #1 Registration | |
21/05/13 04:30h | join_league CIS Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Draft Cup #1 Registration | |
24/05/13 13:10h | join_league POR PokerTH 1on1 King the Table #11 | |
27/05/13 04:41h | join_league POR PokerTH 1on1 King the Table #13 | |
29/05/13 15:37h | register_team BF2 Draft Cup Team #1 (7754639) | |
29/05/13 15:37h | register_team Deleted account (7754640) | |
30/05/13 08:05h | leave_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
01/06/13 16:01h | team_kick Deleted account (7754640) / by Deleted account (1746683) | |
01/06/13 16:08h | join_team Deleted account (7754640) | |
02/06/13 13:37h | team_kick Deleted account (7754640) / by Deleted account (1746683) | |
03/06/13 15:00h | wanna_join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Saturday Cup #13 | |
04/06/13 12:16h | join_team Staff Europe (7766081) | |
08/06/13 05:30h | wanna_join_league POR PokerTH 1on1 King of table#14 | |
11/06/13 12:09h | join_team Deleted account (7754640) | |
11/06/13 13:17h | leave_team Standard Config Player (3122387) | |
11/06/13 13:17h | leave_team No Cheat No Tweak (2696767) | |
18/06/13 05:32h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
18/06/13 08:21h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
18/06/13 14:05h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
18/06/13 15:28h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
18/06/13 16:25h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder | |
18/06/13 16:32h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder | |
20/06/13 00:38h | leave_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder | |
24/06/13 13:09h | join_team Staff ESL Global (546986) | |
24/06/13 15:47h | join_team Ukraine BF2 (7791993) | |
25/06/13 02:55h | leave_team The last BF2 Players (5216442) | |
26/06/13 08:50h | wanna_join_league CIS Dota 2 1on1 Series I: Cup #6 | |
19/07/13 10:29h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer League 2013 | |
19/07/13 11:21h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer League 2013 | |
20/07/13 06:46h | join_team Staff Europe (6087424) | |
14/08/13 06:44h | leave_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
14/08/13 06:45h | leave_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
14/08/13 14:02h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer Special #4.1 | |
14/08/13 14:02h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer Special #4.2 | |
14/08/13 14:08h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer Special #4.1 | |
14/08/13 14:08h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Summer Special #4.2 | |
01/09/13 16:23h | join_team Deleted account (7920595) | |
29/10/13 13:12h | join_team Deleted account (8020881) | |
29/10/13 13:35h | join_team Deleted account (7969865) | |
05/12/13 13:30h | team_kick Deleted account (7969865) / by Witch-King.UA (4263377) | |
14/12/13 04:36h | team_kick IDF (6196537) / by Deleted account (2858622) | |
06/01/14 08:22h | team_kick Deleted account (8020881) / by Deleted account (5714275) | |
11/01/14 12:31h | team_kick Deleted account (7398732) / by Witch-King.UA (4263377) | |
02/02/14 15:19h | team_kick Deleted account (7920595) / by Deleted account (5369409) | |
03/02/14 18:46h | team_kick Staff Europe (6087424) / by Rasque (3559924) | |
03/02/14 18:47h | team_kick Staff Europe (7766081) / by Rasque (3559924) | |
03/02/14 18:47h | team_kick Staff ESL Global (546986) / by Rasque (3559924) | |
06/02/14 17:21h | team_kick Deleted account (6646293) / by Deleted account (5092500) | |
06/02/14 17:23h | team_kick ESL Russia&CIS (3127268) / by Deleted account (5092500) | |
25/04/14 09:47h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #1 | |
25/04/14 09:47h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #2 | |
25/04/14 09:47h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #4 | |
25/04/14 09:48h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #5 | |
25/04/14 09:55h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #2 | |
25/04/14 09:55h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #4 | |
25/04/14 09:55h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #1 | |
25/04/14 09:55h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Allstars Cup #5 | |
13/05/14 03:46h | join_team The last bf2 players 2014 (8394477) | |
21/09/14 13:13h | leave_team ZARYA (4744515) | |
26/10/14 14:29h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
26/10/14 14:31h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AWP Ladder | |
12/12/14 19:06h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Global Offensive CSGO Open Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
23/09/15 05:35h | team_kick Deleted account (5048926) / by Solo (2537231) | |
28/02/17 05:52h | join_team ZARYA (4744515) | |
28/02/17 13:11h | join_team Deleted account (11001014) | |
28/03/19 16:32h | join_team NoobsFromUa (13528555) |