created | Platform | action |
30/08/04 17:20h | first_login | |
30/08/04 17:22h | join_team Team and Tactics (825260) | |
30/08/04 17:23h | join_team Rockt.Mainteam (914329) | |
17/01/05 12:25h | team_kick Rockt.Mainteam (914329) | |
17/01/05 12:26h | join_team Deleted account (882116) | |
19/04/05 16:44h | team_kick Deleted account (882116) / by Deleted account (-1) | |
27/02/06 14:32h | register_team Deleted account (1689708) | |
27/02/06 14:43h | wanna_join_league International Trackmania Nations 1on1 Timeattack Ladder | |
27/02/06 14:45h | join_league International Trackmania Nations 1on1 Timeattack Ladder | |
27/03/06 13:00h | leave_league International Trackmania Nations 1on1 Timeattack Ladder | |
31/07/06 09:08h | increase_trustlevel 2 -> 3 | |
20/08/06 11:26h | join_team III1338III (1891024) | |
12/10/06 17:39h | leave_team III1338III (1891024) | |
28/12/06 18:23h | join_team Deleted account (2108356) | |
04/01/07 18:58h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
05/01/07 12:57h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
05/01/07 15:37h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
19/02/07 18:02h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
19/02/07 18:02h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
26/02/07 15:50h | join_team Deleted account (2008726) | |
03/03/07 20:27h | leave_team Deleted account (2108356) | |
18/03/07 19:58h | join_team Deleted account (2369453) | |
07/05/07 09:42h | increase_trustlevel 3 -> 4 | |
09/06/07 19:21h | register_team Team and Tactics 7up (2532407) | |
24/11/07 21:09h | first_login_esltv | |
21/01/08 14:20h | join_team Deleted account (2986671) | |
03/03/08 16:17h | team_kick Deleted account (2986671) / by Deleted account (76) | |
20/04/08 19:11h | join_team BlueBuda Fanclub (3190321) | |
13/05/08 12:37h | join_team ESL BOINC Cruncher (3216179) | |
10/06/08 10:03h | join_team Premium Member (3213653) | |
10/02/09 06:30h | join_team In memory of Bigger POEM-Athon (3251411) | |
10/02/09 06:32h | join_team In memory of WCG Bunny Race (3069734) | |
10/02/09 13:17h | join_team ESL BOINC Brigade (3606761) | |
31/03/09 07:57h | join_team In memory of Superlink Race (4001182) | |
04/04/09 04:58h | join_team In memory of Spinhenge Race (2965150) | |
04/04/09 04:59h | join_team Deleted account (3637532) | |
07/04/09 06:40h | first_login_consoles | |
20/06/09 13:47h | first_login_esportsaward | |
15/01/10 21:40h | decrease_trustlevel 4 -> 0 | |
25/01/10 09:19h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 4 | |
10/04/10 18:45h | leave_team Premium Member (3213653) | |
10/04/10 18:46h | leave_team Deleted account (3637532) | |
10/04/10 18:47h | leave_team BlueBuda Fanclub (3190321) | |
05/05/10 10:16h | join_team In memory of Pentathlon (5003489) | |
15/11/10 08:50h | join_team Distributed Computing (2369226) | |
18/02/11 13:36h | increase_trustlevel 4->5 | |
28/03/12 15:31h | change_xfire denniszschoppe -> | |
22/05/12 04:17h | join_team Staff Germany (3598440) | |
01/06/12 10:50h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup#1 | |
01/06/12 10:51h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup#1 | |
12/06/12 12:52h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #2 | |
12/06/12 12:53h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #2 | |
18/06/12 12:47h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #3 | |
18/06/12 12:47h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #3 | |
22/06/12 13:13h | register_team Deleted account (6969363) | |
29/06/12 11:27h | join_team Staff Germany (2022383) | |
17/07/12 12:56h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #6 | |
17/07/12 12:57h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Flockes spontaner Cup #6 | |
18/07/12 19:12h | join_team ESL Germany (411429) | |
22/07/12 12:32h | join_team unfohäige armins (7034800) | |
02/08/12 17:01h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Bundesliga Quali | |
02/08/12 17:02h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Bundesliga Quali | |
05/08/12 18:00h | leave_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Bundesliga Quali | |
05/08/12 19:54h | wanna_join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Bundesliga Quali Cup | |
05/08/12 19:54h | join_league Ger TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 Bundesliga Quali Cup | |
09/08/12 06:38h | join_league Ger Testing Area 1on1 EAS 2.0 | |
07/09/12 21:58h | join_team Staff Germany (7157071) | |
24/09/12 13:48h | join_team Ich bin eine Biene (7189486) | |
07/10/12 20:01h | join_team Staff Germany (7212963) | |
07/10/12 20:40h | leave_team Deleted account (6969363) | |
09/10/12 11:32h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 SM Storm All Stars #2 | |
09/10/12 13:42h | join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 SM Storm All Stars #2 | |
20/10/12 13:21h | join_team IGL EU/DE (4471130) | |
28/10/12 22:27h | leave_team Deleted account (2369453) | |
07/11/12 14:19h | join_league Ger Promotion Dein Spiel. Dein Leben - Social Play | |
07/11/12 14:19h | join_league Ger Promotion Dein Spiel. Dein Leben - Fair Play | |
08/11/12 19:33h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #18_1 | |
09/11/12 12:08h | join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #18_1 | |
04/12/12 11:39h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #25 | |
16/12/12 10:15h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #30 | |
16/12/12 10:52h | join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #30 | |
17/12/12 18:43h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #32 | |
18/12/12 05:35h | join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #32 | |
13/01/13 13:08h | team_kick Ich bin eine Biene (7189486) / by Deleted account (6634358) | |
01/02/13 15:55h | join_team Der erhobene Zeigefinger (888607) | |
01/02/13 17:45h | leave_team Staff Germany (7212963) | |
03/02/13 12:31h | join_team Koordination DLM (7499816) | |
05/02/13 13:53h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #36 | |
05/02/13 13:54h | join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #36 | |
19/02/13 15:02h | join_team Deleted account (7498320) | |
09/03/13 10:12h | join_league Ger Intern Admin Cups Admincup 2013 #3 - Shootmania Storm | |
13/04/13 06:18h | join_league Ger Intern Admin Cups Admincup 2013 #4 - Blub Game | |
16/04/13 04:12h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #46 - 1on1 Joust | |
16/04/13 04:12h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #47 - Free4all Nuclus Deathmatch | |
16/04/13 04:12h | wanna_join_league Ger ShootMania Storm 1on1 Beta Cup #48 - 1on1 Joust | |
10/07/13 11:14h | join_league Ger Intern Admin Cups Admincup 2013 #7 - Counter Strike 1.6 | |
18/02/14 20:52h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 | |
13/04/14 13:41h | increase_trustlevel 0 (2014-02-18) -> 5 (2017-04-13) | |
16/04/14 16:49h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
16/04/14 16:52h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
04/11/14 13:04h | join_team Anti-Fake Global (8720817) | |
05/11/14 15:44h | first_login_america | |
05/01/15 07:29h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
05/01/15 07:30h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
10/01/15 17:57h | leave_team IGL EU/DE (4471130) | |
31/01/15 15:30h | leave_team Koordination DLM (7499816) | |
31/01/15 15:30h | leave_team Deleted account (7498320) | |
31/01/15 15:30h | leave_team Staff Germany (2022383) | |
31/01/15 15:30h | leave_team unfohäige armins (7034800) | |
31/01/15 15:31h | leave_team Staff Germany (3598440) | |
31/01/15 15:31h | leave_team Staff Germany (7157071) | |
31/01/15 15:32h | leave_team Staff Germany (3201319) | |
01/02/15 06:35h | leave_team Anti-Fake Global (8720817) | |
09/01/16 08:37h | leave_team Der erhobene Zeigefinger (888607) | |
09/01/16 08:37h | leave_team ESL Germany (411429) | |
13/04/17 20:08h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 |