Jan 'G_M' Douba  id: 1666518
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 3.0 Ghz
RAM OCZ 4096 DDR III 1600 Mhz - Platinum
Videocard Radeon HD4850TOP
Soundcard integrated
Storage 750GB (other burned)
Motherboard Gigabyte EP45T-DS3R
Display 19'' Neovo
OS have got !
Antivirus the best :-)
CD/DVD for what !?
Mouse Razer DiamondBack
Mousepad Razer Goliathus
Keyboard some logitech shit
Headphones from tesco for 2€ :D
Connection 24Mb/s VDSL
TV fuck the TV
Mobile Phone got one !
Drink Pillsner Urquell and Vodka
Food Chinese kitchen
Movie Battle Royale, Equilibrum and many more
Music Drum and Bass
Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhBoR_tgXCI
Book Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You
Book author Marcus Chown
Person Jacque Fresco
Actor / Actress Leslie Nielson, Morgan Freeman
Car Aston Martin V8 Vantage
Sport Chess
Map Harrington, Lennon
Clan My
Player Me
Game Hero Stalker
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Protos
Genre FP