Ice  id: 2061437
CPU Intel® Core 2 Duo E6420
RAM 4096mb Kingston Hyper X
Videocard 4870x2
Soundcard Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium
Storage 500gb Seagate
Motherboard Asus P5NT WS
Display Fujitsu Siemens 19"+ Samsung Syncmaster 2232BW
OS Windows XP
Antivirus Antivir
Mouse Logitech G5 refresh
Mouse Skatez n/A
Mousepad Steelseries qck +
Keyboard Logitech smallboard
Headphones Sennheiser pc 161
Connection 2000DSL
Wheel/Pedals n/A
Joypad Logitech wingman Rumbelpad
TV WinTV 2000
Sound system Logitech Z-5500 505 W RMS 5.1 THX HiFi
Console(s) n/A
Drink Milch
Food Fleisch
Movie Rise of the Footsoldier
Music Hardstyle
Song crump
Book n/A
Book author n/A
Person Ich
Actor / Actress Andy Möller xD
Car BMW Z3m
Sport Fussball, Kraftsport
Athlete Ich
Map mp_streets
Clan Nothing 2 lose
Player Ice
Game Hero link
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Opfer
Genre Egoshooter
Console Super nintendeo
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.webspell-desig..
einfach toll =)