eXiistence  id: 3555134
CPU Dual Core 2.9 GhZ
Videocard Geforce 9800 GTX
Soundcard -
Storage -
Motherboard -
Display Whitescreen
OS Windows XP
Antivirus -
Mouse G5 Logitech
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Logitech Razer
Keyboard G15 Logitech
Headphones Fatal1ty
Connection DSL 6k
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad -
TV -
Sound system -
Console(s) -
Handheld(s) -
Drink Wasser
Food Pizza
Movie The Legend
Music Hardcore / Hardstyle
Song Army of Hardcore
Book -
Book author -
Person -
Actor / Actress -
Car -
Sport -
Athlete -
Map Rattlesnkae / Grayhammer
Clan -
Player ShowT1mE
Game Hero ShowT1mE
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) -
Genre -
Console -
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://-
Website 2 http://-
Website 3 http://-
Website 4 http://-
Wer kämpft kann verlieren, wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren!

Edit: 26.01.2022