Hardware | |
CPU | Athlon 3500+ |
RAM | 2x512 DDRII |
Videocard | GeForce 9400GT |
Soundcard | Realtek |
Storage | Samsung 250GB |
Motherboard | nForce 4 |
Display | Samsung 19' |
OS | WinXP SP3 |
Antivirus | Nod32 |
CD/DVD | Sony DVD-RW |
Mouse | Logitech X7 |
Mouse Skatez | - |
Mousepad | Nova |
Keyboard | Logitech slim |
Headphones | - |
Connection | ADSL |
Wheel/Pedals | - |
Joypad | - |
TV | - |
Sound system | - |
Console(s) | - |
Handheld(s) | - |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Coca-Cola |
Food | Almost all |
Movie | The man on the moon |
Music | Punk, Post-punk, Indie, etc. |
Song | DSD - Флаги побед |
Book | Престон & Чайльд "Кабинет диковин".... |
Book author | С. Кинг |
Person | There are mass of them |
Actor / Actress | Джим Керри |
Car | Mitsubishi Lancer |
Sport | Voleyball |
Athlete | - |
Favourite... | |
Map | TerenasStand |
Clan | Power of Music |
Player | - |
Game Hero | Tinker |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | NE |
Genre | - |
Console | - |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://pom-gaming.ru |
Website 2 | http://pom-gaming.ru |
Website 3 | http://pom-gaming.ru |
Website 4 | http://pom-gaming.ru |
Darkness there and nothing more... |