hypi FanClub   id:  3055055
Name hypi FanClub
Registered since 20/02/08
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
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hypi wrote:
HAHAHAHA :D YES THEY ARE TRANSFERrED :) np i will remember this ban long time seffe ! :)
wins DeaThleSsWinNeRs (Game for 3rd Place) WIN ?????????
wins DeaThleSsWinNeRs WIN ????
are u ... ? If u and Simon can think that this 2 teams can beat us u must be crazy -_- and u WROTE win ?

No comment ! np all know that this cup 2on2 was totally unfair -_- cryer (1 day after ur lose i got banned for nothing :) and if ask admins in Carom they will say:there's no reason for that u are banned, but head admins (comoworm usw.) are talking that we can't unban u ) >)

Einer von vielen genialen comments!