Playground Avenue e.V. SC2   id:  5591962
Name Playground Avenue e.V. SC2
Shorthandle PLAGA
Registered since 15/01/11
IRC #PLAGA  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of Playground Avenue e.V.
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
IRC #PLAGA  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  StarCraft II Clanwar Ladder
loss   R.I.P esportZ  -9 Wednesday, 09/11/11 14:00 6
wins   StarCraft Eagles  + 19 Sunday, 02/10/11 14:00 0
wins   Team.Ases  + 24 Tuesday, 23/08/11 14:00 11
wins   TruE DestroyerS TeaM  + 25 Monday, 22/08/11 14:00 0
wins   You ll be Sorry  + 26 Friday, 19/08/11 14:00 8
wins   Die Philosoffen  + 26 Monday, 15/08/11 13:00 4
loss   InC Gaming  -27 Saturday, 13/08/11 14:00 0
loss   HWBG  -26 Friday, 12/08/11 14:00 6
wins   The-Killer-Force  + 24 Thursday, 11/08/11 14:00 0
wins   Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV  + 15 Thursday, 28/07/11 12:30 2
PLAGA - Playground Avenue e.V.
» Welcome ² PLAGA

» Contact
» Homepage
» IRC: url[irc://][#PLAGA]url
» e-Mail: [email protected]

» Squadleader
~ PLAGA | pHiLiGran

» Orga
~ PLAGA | drakerized
~ PLAGA | ApexKillaR

» Team Member
~ PLAGA | OOwl
~ PLAGA | Netolip
~ PLAGA | divine
~ PLAGA | cLunAsTyY
~ PLAGA | crusader
~ PLAGA | froggy
~ PLAGA | Vicous
~ PLAGA | M1cKy

» Member recruiting requirements
~ Master skilled Europeans

» Mainsponsor

» Partner
