Contacts & Buddies
quator  id: 1525433
Name --
Nick quator
Member since 23/11/05
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  France
Territory France
Employer / University / School Armée de terre
Main team --
Homepage --
David "Quator" K. Since 2k !
~Counter-Strike player since November25,2000. ~Counter-Strike Source player since October10,2004 ! STOP.
Last Event:
Vlan2k10,celest'lan2k9,Maxlan2k8,vlan2k6,lan projekt3;4,Lancorp2k5.
Level & Awards
  6 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Source
Battlefield 3
League of Legends
MSN Games
Show all game levels
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