Contacts & Buddies
CaparZo  id: 1549849
Name Danny 
Nick CaparZo
Member since 07/12/05
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Territory Germany
Main team Freistaat Sachsen .CoD
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  41 Awards  
CoD4 MW (PC)
CoD:MW2 (PC)
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  Project CARS (PC) 1on1 Easter Cup 2017 Global
loss LengthyTunic55  0 Monday, 17/04/17 14:10 2
loss 11086374  0 Monday, 17/04/17 13:35 2
win 10867261  +2 Monday, 17/04/17 13:00 2
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
win 8896408  +12 Thursday, 17/09/15 10:05 3
  CoD:BO2 1on1 SND Easter Cup 2015 Europe
loss iTzAcePC  0 Sunday, 05/04/15 14:50 5
win (bye)  Sunday, 05/04/15 14:00
  CoD:MW2 1on1 SND Easter Cup 2015 Europe
loss 7847960  0 Friday, 03/04/15 15:30 5
win 7091394  +2 Friday, 03/04/15 14:45
win (bye)  Friday, 03/04/15 14:00
  Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Monday #1
loss zensens  0 Monday, 12/05/14 17:30 3
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