Contacts & Buddies
NizZa  id: 3550586
Name --
Nick NizZa
Member since 05/10/08
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team The Unit Main
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  5 Awards  
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Medal of Honor
Colin McRae Dirt 2
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #166 (27.06)
loss 5350642  0 Monday, 27/06/11 14:00 2
  Homefront Team Deathmatch 1on1 Challenge
win 1996155  +2 Thursday, 26/05/11 15:00 12
win Lord of the games  +2 Thursday, 26/05/11 14:00 3
loss 1996155  0 Wednesday, 25/05/11 13:00 0
win 3529314  +2 Tuesday, 24/05/11 16:00 2
win 5206639  +2 Tuesday, 24/05/11 15:00 4
win 4695205  +2 Tuesday, 24/05/11 14:00 4
win santos  +2 Tuesday, 24/05/11 13:00 2
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