Contacts & Buddies
HerrOberBob  id: 3885044
Name Sebastian 
Nick HerrOberBob
Member since 21/02/09
Age / Gender 32 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Student
Main team --
Homepage --
22:36 - TLR AzZa: lol, don't tell me how to play that game
Level & Awards
  1 Awards  
Day of Defeat: Source
Recent matches
  Day of Defeat: Source 1on1 Wintercup 2011
loss 3846521  0 Sunday, 06/02/11 12:00 5
win 4165508  +2 Wednesday, 02/02/11 14:00 3
win 4128310  +2 Sunday, 30/01/11 12:00 6
loss Leitje  0 Thursday, 27/01/11 14:00 2
win 3809535  +2 Sunday, 23/01/11 12:00 5
win (bye)  Wednesday, 19/01/11 14:00 0
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