Contacts & Buddies
alleN  id: 4520489
Name  Allen
Nick alleN
Member since 25/10/09
Age / Gender 29 Years / male
Nationality  Portugal
Territory Portugal
Main team --
Homepage http://rdfrhdr
Level & Awards
  3 Awards  
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Recent matches
  League of Legends 1on1 Cup de Carnaval
loss 4714456  0 Tuesday, 12/02/13 09:30
  League of Legends 1on1 Ozone Christmas Cup
loss 5266381  0 Sunday, 23/12/12 16:30
  League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #11
loss 3797962  0 Monday, 20/02/12 16:00 1
win 5795455  +3 Friday, 17/02/12 16:00 0
  League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
loss 3797962  -25 Monday, 20/02/12 14:00 0
  League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #16
loss 4311320  0 Saturday, 18/02/12 09:00 2
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