PuMa  id: 2220025
CPU yes
RAM yes
Videocard yes
Soundcard yes
Storage yes
Motherboard yes
Display yes
OS yes
Antivirus yes
CD/DVD yes
Mouse Razer Mamba
Mousepad Razer Mantis Control
Keyboard Razer Lycosa Mirror
Headphones Razer Barracuda HP-1
Connection Internet
TV Loewe
Sound system yes
Console(s) PS,PS2,PS3,PC
Drink Pimm's
Food Salty dogs
Movie The Pirates 2
Music Hip-Hop
Song Problembarn
Book Fight Club
Book author Mamma
Person Peter Pain
Actor / Actress Jim Carry
Car Porsche
Sport Ice Hockey
Athlete Gatas parlament
Map Halong Port
Clan *{PP}*
Player G4M3 R34C
Game Hero Ripper
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) us
Console PC 4 3V4
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.1001spill.no
Website 2 http://www.123spill.no
Website 3 http://www.lek.no
Website 4 http://www.nobrain.dk
1.place 1 vs 1 EU ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 1 vs 1 EU funmap ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 2 on 2 EU CTF ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 3 on 3 EU CTF ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place teamplay CTF ladder (02.09.2011)--------z--------------z---z--1.place roundbased CTF ladder(02.09.2011) Thx For all the matches in the past years. Thx for all the exciting matches here at ESL :)bye Vietcong.esl:(11.4.2012)

All ladders that is possible to get 1.place on. what? I already got 1.place on everything.

1.place 1 vs 1 EU ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 1 vs 1 EU funmap ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 2 on 2 EU CTF ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place 3 on 3 EU CTF ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place teamplay CTF ladder (02.09.2011)
1.place roundbased CTF ladder(02.09.2011)

---------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead-----------------Vietcong is officialy dead--------