reaLityyy  id: 3051814
CPU AMD Phenom 2 x4 965 @ 3.8 GHz
RAM 8Gb by Kingston
Videocard ATI Radeon HD 5870
Soundcard Realtek High Definition Audio
Storage 1,5 TB
Motherboard Gigabyte
Display HP w1907v Wide Monitor
OS Windows 7 Home Premium @ 64bit
Antivirus G Data Security
Mouse Razer Deahtadder
Mousepad Roccat Taito King Size MTW Edition
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones Sennheiser PC 350
Connection DSL 6000
Console(s) Xbox 360, PS2
Handheld(s) PSP
Drink Single Malt ,Pushkin Time Warp, Berentzen Maracuja
Food Hauptsache Fleisch =)
Movie Hellsing OVAs
Music Metal
Song Heaven Shall Burn - Endzeit
Book Der Dunkle Turm, Ausgelöscht
Book author Cody McFadyen, Stephen King
Actor / Actress Anthony Hopkins
Car Bugatti Veyron
Sport eSports
Map eigentliche alle Standardmaps
Clan Mousesports, MTW
Game Hero Reaper(UT3)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Necris(UT3)
Genre Ego-Shooter
Console Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Redakteur energy-WAVE e.V.
Ttesports Die Hardware für echte Profis!
Thermaltake Cool all Your Life
STÄNDER mint your mind
CKRAS It`s good to be different

1on1 nur unnüchtern, also wenn ich vergess liga zu leaven bitte nicht fordern! (:

CS 1.6 2006 - 2008
TF2 2007 - 2010
CSS 2007 - 2011

Aktuelles Team:


History CSS:

#Exxis.Dawn [-]
#my.FBI [Ladder]
#Bash 4 u [Ladder]
#Pragmatic.eas [EAS]
#Team Core24 [EAS]
#27 United e.V.[-]

History TF2:

#aimtec [Ladder & ETF2L]
#vertonix [ETF2L]
#Game Control [EMS & ETF2L]

History 1.6:

#skz.attax [-]