poooooolnisch   id:  1969842
Name poooooolnisch
Shorthandle polnisch
Registered since 05/08/06
Homepage http://www.1338.de
IRC #esl.fifa  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Poland
One step ahead of the average nerd!

Welcome to poooooolnisch with
pod-KonraderPils and

Ask at #esl.fifa before challange.
  1  Awards  
IRC #esl.fifa  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  FIFA 11 2on2 Ladder
loss   pod 2on2  -12 Monday, 04/04/11 11:54 0
loss   Servette FC 1890  -16 Monday, 04/04/11 11:30 1
wins   Light  + 24 Monday, 04/04/11 11:00 1
draws   spice boys  -8 Monday, 04/04/11 10:30 2
draws   Die Holzhackerbuam  -2 Thursday, 31/03/11 12:35 0
wins   Mark&Mark Fifa 11  + 25 Wednesday, 30/03/11 16:35 7
wins   SU1 Falcons  + 13 Wednesday, 30/03/11 15:58 1
wins   GamerZ Online II  + 24 Wednesday, 30/03/11 11:36 1
wins   Quitters  + 17 Wednesday, 30/03/11 11:13 2
wins   TikiTaka  + 36 Wednesday, 30/03/11 10:49 1