K-LibR.Css  - AnGel'S BloOd EMS  id:  2492129
Name K-LibR.Css
Shorthandle Қ-Łißя|™
Registered since 20/05/07
Homepage http://www.klibr.eu
IRC #K-LibR.eu  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  France
  1  Awards  
IRC #K-LibR.eu  (QuakeNet)
Join team
▫ K-LibR.Angel'S BloOd . Team Infos ™

║► Team since 22nd February 2006
║► Visit our Web site www.klibr.eu
║► url[irc://us.quakenet.org:6667-6669/K-LibR.eu][#K-LibR.eu (QuakeNet)]url

║► 02-12-2007 »» Tournois BX - Winning Tour BX - France
02-16-2007 »» Rankings : Here - Result : 1st
║► 09-18-2007 »» ESL MAJOR Series I - France
10-02-2007 »» Rankings : Here - Result : 13th
║► 01-12-2008 »» Verygames CS:S Cup LAN 79 - France
02-17-2008 »» Rankings : Here - Result : 1st Group C
║► 02-12-2008 »» ESL MAJOR Series II Qualifier Cup #1 FR - France
02-16-2008 »» Rankings : Here - Result : 6th
║► 02-19-2008 »» Verygames ESL Lan 79 CS:S PlayOffs - France
02-28-2008 »» Rankings : Here - Result : 20th
▫ K-LibR.Angel'S BloOd . Sponsor ™

║► LozaGames™ - www.LozaGames.com »» Sponsor Server

Try their servers now!

LozaGames' goal is to offer a professional service and to distinguish them from
║ tradionnal games servers hosting. They allow each gamers to play on their
║ servers by selling it on low prices..

║► Contact: [email protected] »» url[irc://us.quakenet.org:6667-6669/LozaGames][#LozaGames (QuakeNet)]url
▫ K-LibR.Angel'S BloOd . Roster EMS 2007 ™

║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ MicKy.Be ₪ Leader »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ DaRk.Fr ₪ Manager »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ HaNiBal.Fr ₪ Leader in Game »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ Benrelka.Fr ₪ Player »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ KiWi.Fr ₪ Player »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ Ar3s.Be ₪ Player »
▫ K-LibR.Angel'S BloOd . Roster EMS 2008 ™

║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ AyS.Be ₪ Leader »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ NOBODY.Fr ₪ Manager and Player »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ MicKy.Be ₪ Leader in Game »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ Khalen.Fr ₪ Playeur »
║► Қ-Łißя.Дﻁ|™ OnLy.Fr ₪ Player »
▫ K-LibR.Angel'S BloOd . Contact ™
║► Leader ₪ AyS[email protected]
║► Leader ₪ MicKy[email protected]
║► Ex-Manager ₪ DarK[email protected]