in memory of n!faculty.FIFA13   id:  7522033
Name in memory of n!faculty.FIFA13
Shorthandle fifa13
Registered since 12/02/13
Headquarters  Germany
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  FIFA 13 5on5 Night Cup Season 2 - #1
loss   Dream team of Hungary  0 Monday, 29/04/13 15:30
loss   WebOne.FIFA  0 Monday, 29/04/13 14:45
wins   (bye)  Monday, 29/04/13 14:00
  FIFA 13 5on5 Spring Cup 2013
loss   diamondZ e.V.  0 Thursday, 11/04/13 15:00 1
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 04/04/13 15:00
  FIFA 13 5on5 NightCup Season 1 - Playoffs
loss   sumo RINGER  0 Monday, 01/04/13 15:00 1
  FIFA 13 5on5 Night Cup Season 1 - #6
wins   Just to play night cup  + 2 Monday, 25/03/13 17:15
loss   United Tuga  0 Monday, 25/03/13 16:30 1
wins   diamondZ e.V.  + 2 Monday, 25/03/13 15:45 2
wins   El Huron  + 2 Monday, 25/03/13 15:00