- 3on3  id:  1401771
║ghf.cs - 3on3

║ ► HP:
║ ► IRC: #ghf.cs

║ Head Organisation

║ ► L I N D I

║ Lineup ghf.cs - 3on3

║ ► L I N D I aka Stefan <•> 0:1:140722
║ ► Philz_Philipp <•> 0:0:187503
║ ► Tux - Christopher <•> 0:0:152834
║ ► c4sp3r_Mike <•> 0:0:247677
║ ► vipR_Hannes <•> 0:0:123399

║ ► general rules:
║ ►

║► NOT knowing the Ladder Rules is never a valid excuse
║ for not following them

║► Teams, who added their own rules to their account
║ while thinking about the boogyman, which do not match official esl rule,
║ can be sure of us not being interested in this.