Earthquake.Gaming  Eq  id:  1255875
Name Earthquake.Gaming
Shorthandle Eq.Ladder
Registered since 22/05/05
IRC #Eq  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Romania
Awards of Earthquake.Fifa
¬ 2nd Place @ FIFA International Premiership Series 1@Fifa06
¬ 3rd Place @ FIFA Champions League Season 2@Fifa06
¬ 1st Place @ PGL Season 1, 3, 4 and 7
¬ 1st place @ EMS II Romania Quali@FIFA08
¬ 1st place @ KOS III @ fifa08
¬ 2nd place @ European Super CUP vs. SK. fifa 08
¬ 1st place @ IPS quali season I fifa07
¬ 1st place @ IPS quali season II fifa07
  5  Awards  
IRC #Eq  (QuakeNet)
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