MoRtal OMG  Oh my God Sex  id:  3203348
Name MoRtal OMG
Shorthandle OmG
Registered since 26/04/08
Headquarters  Poland
Dla Plemników nie liczy się nic tylko honor. Honor to cnota której nikt nikomu nie zabierze!

For the sperm count is not nothing but honor. Honor is a virtue that no one no one will take!
  1  Awards  
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  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hardcore Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
wins   Brothers of Blood !  + 13 Sunday, 15/04/12 15:00 12
wins   KKillerkommando 1.1  + 16 Monday, 19/03/12 15:00 27
wins   AnonymousLegion  + 17 Monday, 05/03/12 13:50 8
wins   Punishers from Poland  + 14 Sunday, 04/03/12 14:25 14
wins   Lonely Souls Team  + 16 Thursday, 23/02/12 13:00 20
wins   Punishers from Poland  + 17 Tuesday, 21/02/12 14:10 11
wins   battleoftheshit  + 21 Sunday, 19/02/12 13:40 12
wins   eCry  + 24 Monday, 13/02/12 14:25 21
wins   Conviction Poland  + 28 Sunday, 12/02/12 12:35 29
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
draws   Szybkie Wieprze  -5 Wednesday, 15/02/12 09:25 34